Coiled is valid Scrabble Word

Is coiled a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is coiled valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COILED in dictionary:

Words related to COILED

coil6 coiling10 coils7

Words that contain COILED

recoiled11 uncoiled11 upcoiled13 supercoiled16

How to use COILED in a sentence

Similar words containing IL without suffix ed and without prefix co

ail3 fil6 ilk7 ill3 mil5 nil3 oil3 til3 ails4 anil4 aril4 axil11 bail6 bile6 bilk10 bill6 boil6 ceil6 cill6 coil6 deil5 dill5 eild5 evil7 fail7 fila7 file7 filk11 fill7 film9 filo7 fils7 foil7 gila5 gild6 gill5 gilt5 hail7 heil7 hila7 hild8 hili7 hill7 hilt7 ilea4 ilex11 ilia4 ilka8 ilks8 ills4 illy7 jail11 jill11 jilt11 kail8 kild9 kill8 kiln8 kilo8 kilp10 kilt8 lill4 lilo4 lilt4 lily7 mail6 mild7 mile6 milf9 milk10 mill6 milo6 mils6 milt6 moil6 muil6 nail4 nill4 nils4 noil4 oils4 oily7 pail6 pila6 pile6 pili6 pill6 pily9 rail4 rile4 rill4 roil4 sail4 seil4 sild5 sile4 silk8 sill4 silo4 silt4 soil4 tail4 teil4 tile4 till4 tils4 tilt4 toil4 vail7 veil7 vild8 vile7 vill7 vril7 wail7 weil7 wild8 wile7 wili7 will7 wilt7 wily10 yill7 zila13 zill13 aboil7 agila6 agile6 ailed6 anile5 anils5 anvil8 argil6 arils5 armil7 atilt5 aumil7 avail8 axile12 axils12 bails7 basil7 bezil16 bilbo9 bilby12 biled8 biles7 bilge8 bilgy11 bilks11 bills7 billy10 boils7 brail7 brill7 broil7 build8 built7 cavil10 ceili7 ceils7 child11 chile10 chili10 chill10 choil10 cilia7 cills7 civil10 coils7 daily9 deils6 devil9 dildo7 dilli6 dills6 dilly9 doilt6 doily9 drail6 drill6 drily9 droil6 dwile9 edile6 eilds6 email7 ervil8 esile5 evils8 exfil15 exile12 fails8 filar8 filch13 filed9 filer8 files8 filet8 filii8 filks12 fille8 fillo8 fills8 filly11 filmi10 films10 filmy13 filos8 filth11 filum10 flail8 foils8 frail8 frill8 fusil8 fuzil17 gaily9 gilas6 gilds7 gilet6 gills6 gilly9 gilpy11 gilts6 grail6 grill6 guild7 guile6 guilt6 hails8 haily11 heils8 hilar8 hilch13 hillo8 hills8 hilly11 hilts8 hilum10 hilus8 icily10 ileac7 ileal5 ileum7 ileus5 iliac7 iliad6 ilial5 ilium7 iller5 illth8 intil5 jails12 jills12 jilts12 kails9 kevil12 kiley12 kilim11 kills9 kilns9 kilos9 kilps11 kilts9 kilty12 krill9 lilac7 lills5 lilos5 lilts5 maile7 maill7 mails7 meril7 milch12 milds8 miler7 miles7 milfs10 milia7 milko11 milks11 milky14 mille7 mills7 milor7 milos7 milpa9 milts7 milty10 miltz16 moile7 moils7 muils7 nails5 nihil8 nills5 noils5 noily8
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