Busted is valid Scrabble Word

Is busted a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is busted valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BUSTED in dictionary:

Words related to BUSTED

bust6 busting10 busts7

Words that contain BUSTED

unbusted11 combusted16 blockbusted22

How to use BUSTED in a sentence

Similar words containing BUST without suffix ed

bust6 busti7 busts7 busty10 bustee8 buster8 bustic10 bustis8 bustle8 robust8 bustard10 bustees9 busters9 bustics11 bustier9 busting10 bustled10 bustler9 bustles9 combust13 robusta9 bustards11 bustiers10 bustiest10 bustings11 bustlers10 bustline10 bustling11 combusts14 robustas10 robuster10 robustly13 unbusted11 bandobust14 blockbust19 bundobust14 busticate13 bustiness11 bustlines11 combusted16 combustor15 robustest11 sodbuster12 jambuster20 bandobusts15 blockbusts20 bonkbuster18 bundobusts15 busticated15 busticates14 bustlingly16 combusting17 combustion16 combustive19 combustors16 filibuster15 gangbuster14 robustious12 robustness12 sodbusters13 tankbuster16 ballbuster14 doorbuster13 jambusters21 blockbusted22 blockbuster21 bonkbusters19 busticating16 bustinesses13 combustible19 combustibly22 combustions17 combustious17 combustives20 filibusters16 gangbusters15 gangbusting16 moxibustion22 rumbustical17 rumbustious15 tankbusters17 tankbusting18 trustbuster13 ballbusters15 doorbusters14 blockbusters22 blockbusting23 broncobuster18 combustibles20 filibustered18 filibusterer17 gangbustings17 middlebuster18 moxibustions23 robustiously17 robustnesses14 stressbuster14 tankbustings19 trustbusters14 trustbusting15 blockbustings24 broncobusters19 filibusterers18 filibustering19 filibusterism20 filibusterous18 incombustible21 incombustibly24 middlebusters19 precombustion21 rumbustiously20 stressbusters15 stressbusting16 trustbustings16 antifilibuster19 combustibility25 filibusterings20 filibusterisms21 incombustibles22 noncombustible22 precombustions22 robustiousness16 antifilibusters20 combustibleness23 rumbustiousness19 noncombustibles23 incombustibilit23 combustibilitie23 robustiousnesse17 combustibilities24 incombustibility27 robustiousnesses18 rumbustiousnesses21 incombustibilities26
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