Boots is valid Scrabble Word

Is boots a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is boots valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BOOTS in dictionary:

Words related to BOOTS

boot6 booted9 booting10

Words that contain BOOTS

reboots9 unboots9 gumboots13 seaboots10 slyboots13 bootstrap13 crowboots16 freeboots14 hardboots15 jackboots24 moonboots13 overboots14 snowboots14 workboots18 bootstraps14 bossyboots17 fieldboots16 bootstrapped19 bootstrapper18 bootstrapping20 bootstrappers19

How to use BOOTS in a sentence

Similar words containing BOOT without suffix s

boot6 booth10 booty10 booted9 bootee8 booths11 bootie8 reboot8 unboot8 bootcut11 bootees9 bootery12 booties9 booting10 bootleg10 gumboot12 reboots9 seaboot9 unboots9 bootable12 boothose13 bootikin14 bootjack23 bootlace12 bootlast10 bootlegs11 bootless10 bootlick16 crowboot15 freeboot13 gumboots13 hardboot14 jackboot23 overboot13 rebooted11 seaboots10 slyboots13 snowboot13 tolbooth13 unbooted11 workboot17 bootblack19 booteries11 bootikins15 bootjacks24 bootlaces13 bootlasts11 bootlicks17 bootmaker17 bootstrap13 crowboots16 fieldboot15 freeboots14 freebooty17 hardboots15 jackboots24 moonboots13 overboots14 rebooting12 snowboots14 tolbooths14 tollbooth14 unbooting12 workboots18 bootblacks20 bootlegged15 bootlegger14 bootlessly15 bootlicked19 bootlicker18 bootloader13 bootmakers18 bootmaking19 bootstraps14 bossyboots17 fieldboots16 freebooted16 freebooter15 jackbooted26 tollbooths15 bootleggers15 bootlegging16 bootlickers19 bootlicking20 bootloaders14 bootmakings20 freebooters16 freebootery19 freebooties16 freebooting17 jackbooting27 luckenbooth22 bootleggings17 bootlessness14 bootlickings21 bootstrapped19 bootylicious19 freebootings18 luckenbooths23 bootstrapper18 Show more ...
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