Tor is valid Scrabble Word

Is tor a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tor valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TOR in dictionary:

Words related to TOR


Words that contain TOR

tora4 torc6 tore4 tori4 torn4 toro4 torr4 tors4 tort4 tory7 actor7 fetor8 gator6 motor7 rotor5 store5 stork9 storm7 story8 sutor5 torah8 toran5 toras5 torch10 torcs7 tores5 toric7 torii5 toros5 torot5 torrs5 torse5 torsi5 torsk9 torso5 torta5 torte5 torts5 torus5 tutor5 abator8 actors8 attorn6 bettor8 bittor8 cantor8 captor10 castor8 debtor9 detort7 doctor9 editor7 elutor6 extort13 factor11 faitor9 fautor9 fetors9 fictor11 foetor9 gators7 hector11 intort6 lector8 lentor6 lictor8 mentor8 motors8 motory11 nestor6 orator6 ovator9 pastor8 pretor8 raptor8 rector8 retore6 retorn6 retort6 rhetor9 rotors6 sartor6 satori6 sector8 stator6 storax13 stored7 storer6 stores6 storey9 storge7 storks10 storms8 stormy11 suitor6 sutors6 torahs9 torana6 torans6 torchy14 torero6 Show more ...

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