Surge is valid Scrabble Word

Is surge a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is surge valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SURGE in dictionary:

Words related to SURGE

surged8 surgeful12 surgeless10 surgent8 surger7 surgers8 surges7 surgier8 surgiest9 surging9 surgings10 surgy9

Words that contain SURGE

surged8 surger7 surges7 resurge8 surgent8 surgeon8 surgers8 surgery11 upsurge10 resurged10 resurges9 surgeful12 surgeons9 upsurged12 upsurges11 assurgent10 insurgent10 resurgent10 surgeless10 surgeoncy15 surgeries10 assurgency16 biosurgery16 insurgence13 insurgency16 insurgents11 presurgery16 resurgence13 upsurgence15 cryosurgeon17 cryosurgery20 insurgences14 insurgently15 resurgences14 surgeoncies14 surgeonfish18 surgeonship17 telesurgery15 upsurgences16 assurgencies15 biosurgeries15 chemosurgery23 cryosurgeons18 insurgencies15 microsurgeon17 microsurgery20 neurosurgeon13 neurosurgery16 supersurgeon15 surgeonships18 radiosurgery17 cryosurgeries19 microsurgeons18 neurosurgeons14 psychosurgeon24 psychosurgery27 supersurgeons16 surgeonfishes20 telesurgeries14 chemosurgeries22 electrosurgery20 microsurgeries19 neurosurgeries15 psychosurgeons25 radiosurgeries16 psychosurgeries26 counterinsurgen18 electrosurgerie18 electrosurgeries19 counterinsurgent19 counterinsurgency25 counterinsurgents20 counterinsurgencies24

How to use SURGE in a sentence

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