Skiing is valid Scrabble Word

Is skiing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is skiing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SKIING in dictionary:

Words related to SKIING

ski7 skied10 skiings12 skis8

Words that contain SKIING

skiings12 heliskiing18 monoskiing17 paraskiing17 turfskiing18 monoskiings18 paraskiings18 turfskiings19 waterskiing19 heliskiings19 waterskiings20

How to use SKIING in a sentence

Similar words containing SKI without suffix ing

ski7 skid9 skim10 skin8 skio8 skip10 skis8 skit8 skids10 skied10 skier9 skies9 skiey12 skiff15 skill9 skimo11 skimp13 skims11 skink13 skins9 skint9 skios9 skips11 skirl9 skirr9 skirt9 skite9 skits9 skive12 skivy15 asking11 buskin12 eskies10 gaskin11 joskin17 muskie12 muskit12 reskin10 siskin10 skibob14 skiddy15 skidoo11 skiers10 skiffs16 skills10 skilly13 skimos12 skimps14 skimpy17 skinks14 skinny13 skioes10 skippy17 skirls10 skirrs10 skirts10 skitch15 skited11 skites10 skived14 skiver13 skives13 skivie13 skivvy19 tsking11 weskit13 askings12 basking14 boskier13 brewski16 busking14 buskins13 caskier13 casking14 catskin13 cowskin16 deskill12 desking13 disking13 doeskin12 dogskin13 duskier12 duskily15 dusking13 duskish15 enskied12 enskies11 fisking15 foxskin21 fusking15 gasking13 gaskins12 griskin12 heliski14 huskier14 huskies14 huskily17 husking15 joskins18 kidskin16 Show more ...
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