Redes is valid Scrabble Word

Is redes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is redes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REDES in dictionary:

Words related to REDES

rede5 reded7 reding8

Words that contain REDES

aredes7 bredes9 heredes11 haeredes12 redesign10 regredes10 tiredest9 predesign13 redescend13 redesigns11 sacredest12 scaredest12 predesigns14 predestine13 predestiny16 redescends14 redescribe15 redesigned13 predesigned16 predestined15 predestines14 redescended16 redescribed17 redescribes16 redesigning14 predesignate16 predesigning17 predestinate15 predestinies15 predestining16 redescending17 redescribing18 predesignated18 predesignates17 predestinable18 predestinated17 predestinates16 predestinator16 redescription18 unpredestined17 predesignating19 predesignation18 predesignatory21 predestinarian17 predestinating18 predestination17 predestinative20 predestinators17 redescriptions19 predesignations19 predestinarians18 predestinations18 predestinariani18 predestinarianism22 predestinarianisms23

How to use REDES in a sentence

Similar words containing DE without suffix s and without prefix re

de3 deb6 dee4 def7 deg5 dei4 del4 den4 dep6 dev7 dew7 dex11 dey7 ide4 ode4 der4 des4 aide5 bade7 bede7 bide7 bode7 byde10 cade7 cede7 cide7 code7 dead6 deaf8 deal5 dean5 dear5 deaw8 debe7 debs7 debt7 deck11 deco7 deed6 deek9 deem7 deen5 deep7 deer5 dees5 deet5 deev8 defi8 defo8 deft8 defy11 degs6 degu6 deid6 deif8 deil5 deke9 dele5 delf8 deli5 dell5 delo5 dels5 delt5 deme7 demo7 demy10 dene5 deni5 dens5 dent5 deny8 deps7 dere5 derm7 dern5 dero5 derv8 desi5 desk9 deus5 deva8 devi8 devo8 devs8 dews8 dewy11 dexy15 deys8 dude6 eide5 fade8 gade6 gude6 hade8 hide8 idea5 idee5 idem7 ides5 Show more ...
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