Pun is valid Scrabble Word

Is pun a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pun valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PUN in dictionary:

Words related to PUN

calembour15 paragram13 punned9 punner8 punners9 punning10 punningly15 punnings11 puns6

Words that contain PUN

puna6 pung7 punk10 puns6 punt6 puny9 spun6 punas7 punce9 punch12 punga8 pungs8 punji14 punka11 punks11 punky14 punny10 punto7 punts7 punty10 spunk11 punani8 punany11 punced11 punces10 punchy16 puncta10 puncto10 pundit9 pungas9 pungle9 punier8 punily11 punish11 punjis15 punkah15 punkas12 punker12 punkey15 punkie12 punkin12 punned9 punner8 punnet8 punted9 puntee8 punter8 puntos8 spunge9 spunks12 spunky15 tipuna8 tupuna8 unspun8 cowpunk18 expunct18 expunge17 kipunji20 lispund10 opuntia9 punaani9 punaany12 punalua9 punched15 puncher14 punches14 puncing12 punctos11 punctum13 pundits10 pungent10 pungled11 pungles10 puniest9 punjied17 punjies16 punkahs16 punkers13 punkest13 punkeys16 punkier13 punkies13 punkins13 punkish16 punners9 punnets9 punnier9 punning10 punster9 puntees9 punters9 punties9 punting10 pupunha14 repunit9 spunges10 spunked14 spunkie13 tipunas9 tupunas9 punctae11 Show more ...

How to use PUN in a sentence

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