Probation is valid Scrabble Word

Is probation a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is probation valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PROBATION in dictionary:

Words related to PROBATION

probational15 probationally20 probations14

Words that contain PROBATION

probations14 approbation17 improbation17 probational15 probationer15 reprobation15 approbations18 improbations18 probationary19 probationers16 reprobations16 probationally20 disapprobation21 probationaries18 reprobationary21 disapprobations22 probationership24

How to use PROBATION in a sentence

Similar words containing PROBA without suffix tion

proball11 proband12 probang12 probate11 probable14 probably17 probands13 probangs13 probated13 probates12 approbate15 probables15 probating14 probative16 probatory16 reprobacy18 reprobate13 approbated17 approbates16 improbable18 improbably21 probations14 reprobance16 reprobated15 reprobater14 reprobates14 reprobator14 approbating18 approbation17 approbative20 approbatory20 improbation17 meprobamate19 probabilism19 probabilist17 probability20 probational15 probationer15 probatively21 reprobacies17 reprobances17 reprobaters15 reprobating16 reprobation15 reprobative18 reprobators15 reprobatory18 approbations18 equiprobable27 improbations18 meprobamates20 probabilisms20 probabilists18 probationary19 probationers16 reprobations16 improbability24 probabilistic21 probabilities19 probationally20 reprobatively23 disapprobation21 disapprobative24 disapprobatory24 improbableness22 probabiliorism22 probabiliorist20 probationaries18 reprobationary21 disapprobations22 equiprobability33 improbabilities23 probabiliorisms23 probabiliorists21 probationership24 probabilistical23 probabilistically28
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