Precis is valid Scrabble Word

Is precis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is precis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PRECIS in dictionary:

Words related to PRECIS

precised13 precises12 precising14

Words that contain PRECIS

precise11 precised13 preciser12 precises12 imprecise15 precisely16 precisest13 precisian13 precising14 precision13 precisive16 unprecise13 precisians14 precisions14 imprecisely20 imprecision17 overprecise18 preciseness15 imprecisions18 precisianism18 precisianist16 precisionism18 precisionist16 ultraprecise16 impreciseness19 precisenesses17 precisianisms19 precisianists17 precisionisms19 precisionists17 ultraprecision18 imprecisenesses21 ultraprecisions19

How to use PRECIS in a sentence

Similar words containing CI without suffix s and without prefix pre

cid6 cig6 cis5 cit5 acid7 asci6 ciao6 cide7 cids7 ciel6 cigs7 cill6 cine6 cinq15 cion6 cire6 cirl6 cist6 cite6 cito6 cits6 city9 cive9 duci7 foci9 fuci9 loci6 unci6 vici9 abaci9 acids8 acidy11 acing8 acini7 aecia7 alcid8 amici9 bocci11 cerci9 cibol9 cided9 cider8 cides8 ciels7 cigar8 ciggy12 cilia7 cills7 cimar9 cimex16 cinch12 cinct9 cines7 cinqs16 cions7 cippi11 circa9 circs9 cires7 cirls7 cirri7 cisco9 cissy10 cists7 cital7 cited8 citer7 cites7 cives10 civet10 civic12 civie10 civil10 civvy16 cocci11 croci9 disci8 dolci8 facia10 farci10 fasci10 fecit10 ficin10 icier7 icily10 icing8 licit7 locie7 locis7 lucid8 mucic11 mucid10 mucin9 orcin7 recit7 ricin7 scion7 succi9 sulci7 tacit7 Show more ...
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