Circs is valid Scrabble Word

Is circs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is circs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CIRCS in dictionary:

Words related to CIRCS


Similar words containing CIRC without suffix s

circa9 circar10 circle10 circus10 circars11 circled12 circler11 circles11 circlet11 circlip13 circuit11 circusy14 circiter12 circlers12 circlets12 circling13 circlips14 circuits12 circuity15 circular12 circuses12 circussy15 encircle12 recircle12 circadian14 circinate13 circlings14 circuital13 circuited14 circuitry16 circulars13 circulate13 encircled14 encircles13 recircled14 recircles13 circusier13 circassian14 circensial14 circensian14 circuiteer14 circuities14 circuiting15 circuitous14 circulable16 circularly17 circulated15 circulates14 circulator14 circumcise18 circumduce19 circumduct19 circumflex26 circumfuse19 circummure18 circumpose18 circumvent19 encircling15 recircling15 semicircle16 subcircuit16 circusiest14 circussier14 circassians15 circinately18 circuiteers15 circuitries15 circularise15 circularity18 circularize24 circulating16 circulation15 circulative18 circulators15 circulatory18 circumcised20 circumciser19 circumcises19 circumduced21 circumduces20 circumducts20 circumflect22 circumfused21 circumfuses20 circumlunar17 circummured20 circummures19 circumpolar19 circumposed20 circumposes19 circumsolar17 circumspect21 circumvents20 circumvolve23 noncircular15 recirculate15 semicircled18 semicircles17 subcircuits17 encirclings16 Show more ...
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