Poring is valid Scrabble Word

Is poring a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is poring valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PORING in dictionary:

Words related to PORING

pore6 pored8 pores7

Words that contain PORING

sporing10 vaporing14 vaporings15

How to use PORING in a sentence

Similar words containing POR without suffix ing

pore6 pork10 porn6 port6 pory9 aport7 porae7 poral7 porch12 pored8 porer7 pores7 porge8 porgy11 porin7 porks11 porky14 porno7 porns7 porny10 porta7 ports7 porty10 sapor7 sopor7 spore7 spork11 sport7 vapor10 aporia8 apport10 asport8 deport9 export15 import10 poraes8 porers8 porged10 porges9 porgie9 porier8 porina8 porins8 porism10 porked13 porker12 pornos8 porose8 porous8 portal8 portas8 ported9 porter8 portly11 report8 sapors8 sopors8 sporal8 spored9 spores8 sporks12 sports8 sporty11 stupor8 torpor8 vapors11 vapory14 airport9 aporias9 apports11 asports9 besport11 caporal11 carport11 comport13 corpora11 deports10 disport10 emporia11 exports16 gosport10 gunport10 imports11 jetport16 leporid10 oospore9 oporice11 outport9 porangi10 porched15 porches14 porcine11 porcini11 porcino11 porgies10 porging11 poriest9 porifer12 porinas9 porisms11 Show more ...
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