Olds is valid Scrabble Word

Is olds a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is olds valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OLDS in dictionary:

Words related to OLDS


Words that contain OLDS

bolds8 colds8 folds9 golds7 holds9 molds8 solds6 wolds9 aholds10 goolds8 scolds9 woolds10 beholds13 bifolds13 enfolds11 infolds11 kobolds14 oldster8 refolds11 remolds10 unfolds11 unmolds10 upfolds13 upholds13 cuckolds17 eyefolds15 fanfolds15 goldsize19 legholds13 mangolds12 oldsquaw21 oldsters9 oldstyle12 penfolds14 pinfolds14 premolds13 tenfolds12 toeholds12 twofolds15 misfolds14 billfolds15 copyholds20 footholds16 freeholds16 gatefolds14 goldsinny14 goldsizes20 goldsmith16 goldspink17 goldstick17 goldstone11 handholds17 hoodmolds16 leafmolds15 manifolds15 marigolds13 nailfolds13 oldsquaws22 oldstyles13 outscolds12 overfolds16 overholds16 rootholds13 scaffolds18 semibolds14 snowmolds15 withholds19 blindfolds17 chokeholds23 extrabolds20 goldsmiths17 goldspinks18 goldsticks18 goldstones12 households17 interfolds14 leaseholds14 radiogolds13 sheepfolds19 stokeholds18 thresholds17 linenfolds14 buttonholds17 centerfolds17 centrefolds17 commonholds21 fingerholds19 goldsinnies13 goldsmithry21 myriadfolds21 strongholds16 twentyfolds21 goldsmithery22 hundredfolds21 unblindfolds19 submanifolds20 goldsmithries20 overwithholds26 strangleholds18 thousandfolds21 throttleholds20 Show more ...

How to use OLDS in a sentence

Similar words containing OLD without suffix s

old4 bold7 cold7 fold8 gold6 hold8 mold7 olde5 oldy8 sold5 told5 wold8 yold8 acold8 ahold9 bolds8 colds8 folds9 golds7 goldy10 goold7 holds9 molds8 moldy11 olden6 older6 oldie6 scold8 solde6 soldi6 soldo6 solds6 viold9 wolds9 woold9 boldo8 aholds10 behold12 bifold12 bolded10 bolden9 bolder9 boldly12 colder9 coldie9 coldly12 enfold10 extold14 folded11 folder10 foldup12 golden8 golder8 goolds8 holden10 holder10 holdup12 infold10 jymold19 kobold13 molded10 molder9 oldens7 oldest7 oldies7 oldish10 polder9 refold10 remold9 resold7 retold7 scolds9 soldan7 solder7 soldes7 unfold10 unmold9 unsold7 untold7 upfold12 uphold12 upsold9 woolds10 beholds13 bifolds13 boldens10 boldest10 bolding11 coldest10 coldies10 coldish13 cuckold16 enfolds11 entrold8 eyefold14 fanfold14 folders11 folding12 foldout11 foldups13 Show more ...
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