Lunged is valid Scrabble Word

Is lunged a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lunged valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LUNGED in dictionary:

Words related to LUNGED

lunge6 lungeing10 lunges7 lunging9

Words that contain LUNGED

blunged11 plunged11 implunged15 replunged13

How to use LUNGED in a sentence

Similar words containing LUNG without suffix ed

lung5 clung8 flung9 lunge6 lungi6 lungs6 slung6 blunge9 lungan7 lungee7 lunger7 lunges7 lungie7 lungis7 lungyi10 plunge9 anklung12 blunged11 blunger10 blunges10 lungans8 lungees8 lungers8 lungful11 lungies8 lunging9 lungyis11 plunged11 plunger10 plunges10 umlungu10 unslung8 upflung13 angklung14 anklungs13 aqualung18 blungers11 blunging12 implunge13 lungeing10 lungfish15 lungfuls12 lungless9 lungworm14 lungwort12 mudslung12 outflung12 plungers11 plunging12 replunge11 umlungus11 lunglike13 angklungs15 aqualungs19 implunged15 implunges14 lungworms15 lungworts13 melungeon12 plungings13 replunged13 replunges12 slungshot13 implunging16 lungfishes17 melungeons13 replunging14 slungshots14 underslung12 muskellunge18 muskellunges19 bremsstrahlung22 bremsstrahlungs23
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