Locus is valid Scrabble Word

Is locus a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is locus valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LOCUS in dictionary:

Words related to LOCUS

loca6 loci6 locis7

Words that contain LOCUS

locust8 locusta9 locusts9 locustae10 locustal10 locusted11 locusting12

How to use LOCUS in a sentence

Similar words containing LOCU without suffix s

locum9 locule8 loculi8 locums10 locust8 elocute9 locular9 loculed10 locules9 loculus9 locusta9 locusts9 elocuted11 elocutes10 loculate10 locustae10 locustal10 locusted11 locution10 locutory13 bilocular13 elocuting12 elocution11 elocutory14 kilocurie15 loculated12 locuplete13 locusting12 locutions11 allocution12 biloculate14 collocutor14 elocutions12 illocution12 kilocuries16 loculament14 loculation12 locutories12 prolocutor14 sexlocular19 trilocular12 unilocular12 delocutive16 allocutions13 collocutors15 collocutory18 illocutions13 loculaments15 loculations13 loculicidal16 locutionary16 perlocution15 prolocution15 prolocutors15 prolocutrix22 circumlocute20 elocutionary17 elocutionist14 interlocutor14 multilocular16 perlocutions16 plurilocular16 prolocutions16 circumlocuted22 circumlocutes21 elocutionists15 illocutionary18 interlocution15 interlocutors15 interlocutory18 interlocutrix22 multiloculate17 prolocutrices19 prolocutrixes24 quadrilocular25 circumlocuting23 circumlocution22 circumlocutory25 interlocutions16 interlocutress16 interlocutrice18 perlocutionary21 prolocutorship23 circumlocutions23 interlocutorily20 interlocutrices19 interlocutrixes24 prolocutorships24
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