Leaver is valid Scrabble Word

Is leaver a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is leaver valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LEAVER in dictionary:

Words related to LEAVER

leave8 leavers10

Words that contain LEAVER

cleaver12 leavers10 cleavers13

How to use LEAVER in a sentence

Similar words containing LEAV without suffix er

leave8 leavy11 cleave11 gleave10 leaved10 leaven9 leaves9 sleave9 cleaved13 cleaver12 cleaves12 deleave11 gleaves11 leavens10 leavers10 leavier10 leaving11 sleaved11 sleaves10 cleavage14 cleavers13 cleaving14 deleaved13 deleaves12 disleave12 leavened12 leavener11 leaviest11 leavings12 sleaving12 wayleave17 cleavable16 cleavages15 cleavings15 deleaving14 disleaved14 disleaves13 endleaves13 flyleaves18 leaveners12 leavening13 leavenous12 oakleaves16 wayleaves18 disleaving15 interleave13 leavenings14 longleaves14 overleaven16 parkleaves19 shinleaves16 unleavened14 broadleaved18 broadleaves17 interleaved15 interleaves14 liverleaves17 overleavens17 thickleaves23 underleaves15 waterleaves17 cleavability22 cloverleaves20 interleaving16 overleavened19 cleavableness20 leatherleaves19 overleavening20 cleavabilities21 cleavablenesses22
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