Hove is valid Scrabble Word

Is hove a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hove valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HOVE in dictionary:

Words related to HOVE

heave11 heaved13 heaves12 heaving14 hoved12 hoven11 hoves11 hoving13

Words that contain HOVE

hovea11 hoved12 hovel11 hoven11 hover11 hoves11 shove11 behove14 hoveas12 hovels12 hovers12 shoved13 shovel12 shover12 shoves12 uphove14 behoved16 behoves15 hoveled14 hovered14 hoverer13 shovels13 shovers13 behovely19 hoveling15 hovelled15 hoveller14 hoverers14 hoverfly20 hovering15 pushover16 shoveled15 shoveler14 anchoveta17 behoveful20 duckshove22 flashover18 hovellers15 hovelling16 hoverport17 pushovers17 shovelers15 shovelful18 shoveling16 shovelled16 shoveller15 windhover19 anchovetas18 anchovetta18 duckshoved24 duckshover23 duckshoves23 flashovers19 hovercraft21 hoverflies19 hoveringly20 hoverports18 hovertrain16 shovelfuls19 shovelhead20 shovellers16 shovelling17 shovelnose16 shovelsful19 switchover21 windhovers20 unshoveled17 hoverboard19 anchovettas19 duckshovers24 hovercrafts22 hovertrains17 shovelboard20 shovelheads21 shovelnoses17 switchovers22 hoverboards20 shovelboards21

How to use HOVE in a sentence

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