Hos is valid Scrabble Word

Is hos a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hos valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HOS in dictionary:

Words related to HOS


Words that contain HOS

hose7 hoss7 host7 mhos9 phos9 rhos7 zhos16 ohos7 whos10 bohos10 chose10 cohos10 dzhos18 echos10 ethos8 ghost9 hosed9 hosel8 hosen8 hoser8 hoses8 hosey11 hosta8 hosts8 mohos10 those8 whose11 whoso11 tohos8 abmhos13 anchos11 bathos11 chosen11 choses11 cohosh14 cohost11 ghosts10 ghosty13 hosels9 hosers9 hoseys12 hosier9 hosing10 hosses9 hostas9 hosted10 hostel9 hostie9 hostly12 hostry12 lithos9 machos13 methos11 mythos14 nachos11 orthos9 pathos11 phossy14 pithos11 poshos11 pothos11 tachos11 whosis12 whosit12 benthos12 brochos14 chochos17 cohosts12 conchos14 ethoses10 gauchos13 ghosted12 ghostly14 honchos15 hosanna10 hoseman12 hosemen12 hoseyed14 hosiers10 hosiery13 hospice14 hostage11 hostels10 hostess10 hosties10 hostile10 hosting11 hostler10 inkhosi14 kolkhos18 morphos14 nymphos17 ponchos14 porthos12 psychos17 ranchos12 rechose12 sanchos12 skyphos19 sorghos11 stichos12 Show more ...

How to use HOS in a sentence

Similar words containing HO without suffix s

ho5 hoa6 hob8 hoc8 hod7 hoe6 hog7 hoh9 hoi6 hom8 hon6 hoo6 hop8 hot6 how9 hox13 hoy9 mho8 oho6 pho8 rho6 sho6 tho6 who9 zho15 hok10 ahoy10 boho9 choc11 chog10 chon9 chop11 chou9 chow12 coho9 dhol8 dhow11 dzho17 echo9 hoar7 hoas7 hoax14 hobo9 hobs9 hock13 hods8 hoed8 hoer7 hoes7 hogg9 hogh11 hogs8 hoha10 hohs10 hoik11 hois7 hoka11 hoke11 hoki11 hold8 hole7 holk11 holm9 holo7 holp9 hols7 holt7 holy10 homa9 home9 homo9 homs9 homy12 hond8 hone7 hong8 honk11 hons7 hood8 hoof10 hook11 hoon7 hoop9 hoor7 hoot7 hope9 hops9 hora7 hore7 hori7 hork11 horn7 hors7 hose7 hoss7 host7 hote7 hots7 houf10 hour7 Show more ...
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