Nam is valid Scrabble Word

Is nam a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nam valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for NAM in dictionary:

Words related to NAM

distraint10 naam6 nams6 nim5 nimmed11 nimming12 nims6

Words that contain NAM

name6 nams6 namu6 dunam8 named8 namer7 names7 namma9 namus7 agname9 bename10 byname13 dunams9 dynamo12 enamel8 enamor8 gnamma11 namely11 namers8 naming9 panama10 rename8 ynambu13 agnamed11 agnames10 benamed12 benames11 bonamia11 bynames14 dynamic15 dynamos13 enamels9 enamine9 enamors9 enamour9 grannam10 jobname18 misname11 namable11 namaste9 nametag10 namings10 outname9 panamas11 penname11 prename11 renamed10 renames9 sirname9 surname9 tinamou9 tsunami9 unnamed10 ynambus14 adynamia14 adynamic16 benaming13 bonamani12 bonamano12 bonamias12 chinaman15 chinamen15 chinampa17 cinnamic14 cinnamon12 cinnamyl15 clinamen12 codename13 coenamor12 cyanamid16 didynamy18 dynamics16 dynamise14 dynamism16 dynamist14 dynamite14 dynamize23 enameled11 enameler10 enamines10 enamored11 enamours10 filename13 forename13 grannams11 jobnames19 katsinam14 misnamed13 misnames12 monamine12 namaskar14 namastes10 nameable12 nameless10 namesake14 nametags11 nametape12 nickname16 ornament10 outnamed11 Show more ...

How to use NAM in a sentence

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