Hamper is valid Scrabble Word

Is hamper a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hamper valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HAMPER in dictionary:

Words related to HAMPER

hampered16 hamperedness20 hamperer15 hamperers16 hampering17 hampers14

Words that contain HAMPER

champer16 hampers14 champers17 hampered16 hamperer15 champerty21 hamperers16 hampering17 unhampered18 champerties20 champertous20 hamperedness20 hamperednesses22

How to use HAMPER in a sentence

Similar words containing HAMP without suffix er

champ14 champs15 champy18 champac18 champak20 champed17 champer16 hampers14 shampoo14 whample17 champas16 champaca19 champacs19 champaks21 champart17 champers17 champier17 champing18 champion17 hampered16 hamperer15 hampster15 shampoos15 whamples18 champacas20 champagne19 champaign19 champarts18 champerty21 champiest18 champions18 champleve21 hamperers16 hampering17 hampsters16 rhamphoid20 shampooed17 shampooer16 champagnes20 champaigns20 champignon20 championed20 champleves22 cochampion21 shampooers17 shampooing18 unhampered18 champerties20 champertous20 champignons21 championess20 championing21 cochampions22 championship26 hamperedness20 rhamphotheca27 championesses22 championships27 rhamphothecae28 hamperednesses22 methamphetamine29 methamphetamines30
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