Glyph is valid Scrabble Word

Is glyph a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is glyph valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GLYPH in dictionary:

Words related to GLYPH

glyphic18 glyphs15

Words that contain GLYPH

glyphs15 diglyph17 glyphic18 anaglyph17 diaglyph18 diglyphs18 triglyph17 anaglyphs18 anaglyphy21 diaglyphs19 triglyphs18 anaglyphic21 ditriglyph20 hieroglyph22 lithoglyph22 petroglyph21 photoglyph24 triglyphic21 glyphosate19 anaglyphies20 dendroglyph22 ditriglyphs21 glyphograph26 hieroglyphs23 lithoglyphs23 petroglyphs22 petroglyphy25 photoglyphs25 photoglyphy28 tyroglyphid24 glyphosates20 anaglyphical23 dendroglyphs23 ditriglyphic24 glyphographs27 glyphography30 hieroglyphed25 hieroglyphic26 petroglyphic25 photoglyphic28 triglyphical23 tyroglyphids25 glyphographer28 glyphographic30 hieroglyphics27 hieroglyphing26 hieroglyphist25 petroglyphies24 photoglyphies27 coelanaglyphic27 dermatoglyphic28 glyphographers29 glyphographies29 hieroglyphical28 hieroglyphists26 dermatoglyphics29 glyphographical32 hieroglyphicall29 hieroglyphically33

How to use GLYPH in a sentence

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