Fictional is valid Scrabble Word

Is fictional a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fictional valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FICTIONAL in dictionary:

Words related to FICTIONAL

fiction12 fictionally19

Words that contain FICTIONAL

fictionally19 fictionalise17 fictionality20 fictionalize26 nonfictional17 fictionalised19 fictionalises18 fictionalized28 fictionalizes27 metafictional20 fictionalising20 fictionalities19 fictionalizing29 nonfictionally22 fictionalizatio29 fictionalization30 fictionalizations31

How to use FICTIONAL in a sentence

Similar words containing FICTION without suffix al

fiction12 fictions13 fictioneer15 fictionise15 fictionist15 fictionize24 nonfiction15 fictionally19 fictioneers16 fictionised17 fictionises16 fictionists16 fictionized26 fictionizes25 metafiction18 nonfictions16 fictionalise17 fictionality20 fictionalize26 fictionising18 fictionizing27 metafictions19 nonfictional17 fictionalised19 fictionalises18 fictionalized28 fictionalizes27 fictioneering19 metafictional20 fictionalising20 fictionalities19 fictionalizing29 fictioneerings20 fictionisation19 fictionization28 metafictionist21 nonfictionally22 fictionisations20 fictionizations29 metafictionists22 fictionalizatio29 fictionalization30 fictionalizations31
Find what other words can be done using letters: "fictional"
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