Emoter is valid Scrabble Word

Is emoter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is emoter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EMOTER in dictionary:

Words related to EMOTER

emote7 emoters9

Words that contain EMOTER

emoters9 remoter9

Similar words containing OT without suffix er and without prefix em

bot5 cot5 dot4 got4 hot6 jot10 lot3 mot5 not3 oot3 pot5 rot3 sot3 tot3 wot6 blot6 boot6 bota6 bote6 both9 bots6 bott6 clot6 coot6 cote6 coth9 cots6 cott6 dote5 doth8 dots5 doty8 eyot7 foot7 goth8 grot5 hoot7 hote7 hots7 iota4 jota11 jots11 knot8 koto8 loot4 lota4 lote4 loth7 loti4 loto4 lots4 moot6 mote6 moth9 moti6 mots6 mott6 motu6 nota4 note4 nott4 oots4 otic6 otto4 phot9 plot6 poot6 pote6 pots6 pott6 pyot9 riot4 root4 rota4 rote4 roti4 rotl4 roto4 rots4 ryot7 scot6 shot7 slot4 snot4 soot4 soth7 sots4 spot6 stot4 swot7 toot4 tote4 tots4 trot4 vote7 vrot7 whot10 woot7 wots7 zoot13 Show more ...
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