Oots is valid Scrabble Word

Is oots a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is oots valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OOTS in dictionary:

Words related to OOTS


Words that contain OOTS

boots7 coots7 foots8 hoots8 loots5 moots7 poots7 roots5 soots5 toots5 bhoots11 cloots8 footsy12 rootsy9 scoots8 shoots9 sloots6 smoots8 snoots6 spoots8 tootsy9 whoots12 wroots9 cahoots12 enroots7 footsal10 footsie10 galoots8 patoots9 reboots9 refoots10 tootsed8 tootses7 tootsie7 unboots9 unroots7 uproots9 bigfoots14 cheroots13 disroots9 finfoots14 footsals11 footsies11 footslog12 footsore11 footstep13 galloots9 gumboots13 hotfoots14 netroots8 outfoots11 outroots8 redfoots12 redroots9 reshoots11 rootsier8 seaboots10 sheroots11 slyboots13 taproots10 tootsies8 tootsing9 unshoots11 upshoots13 alumroots11 beetroots11 bootstrap13 chayroots17 clubroots13 crowboots16 crowfoots17 flatfoots15 foalfoots15 folkmoots18 footslogs13 footstalk16 footstall12 footsteps14 footstock18 footstone12 footstool12 freeboots14 hanepoots14 hardboots15 jackboots24 moonboots13 muskroots15 offshoots18 outshoots12 overboots14 pinkroots15 pokeroots15 rootsiest9 rootstalk13 rootstock15 roseroots9 snowboots14 soaproots11 workboots18 wormroots14 arrowroots13 Show more ...

Similar words containing OOT without suffix s

oot3 boot6 coot6 foot7 hoot7 loot4 moot6 poot6 root4 soot4 toot4 woot7 zoot13 afoot8 bhoot10 booth10 boots7 booty10 cloot7 coots7 foots8 footy11 hoots8 hooty11 loots5 moots7 ootid6 poots7 roots5 rooty8 scoot7 shoot8 sloot5 smoot7 snoot5 soote5 sooth8 soots5 sooty8 spoot7 tooth8 toots5 whoot11 wootz17 wroot8 zooty17 bhoots11 booted9 bootee8 booths11 bootie8 cahoot11 cloots8 cootch13 cooter8 cootie8 dhooti10 enroot6 footed10 footer9 footie9 footle9 footra9 footsy12 galoot7 hootch14 hooted10 hooter9 looted7 looten6 looter6 mooted9 mooter8 ootids7 patoot8 pooted9 pooter8 pootle8 reboot8 refoot9 rooted7 rooter6 rootle6 rootsy9 scoots8 shoots9 sloots6 smooth11 smoots8 snoots6 snooty9 sooted7 sootes6 soothe9 sooths9 spoots8 tooted7 tooter6 tooths9 toothy12 Show more ...
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