Rota is valid Scrabble Word

Is rota a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rota valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ROTA in dictionary:

Words related to ROTA


Words that contain ROTA

rotal5 rotan5 rotas5 crotal8 rotans6 rotary9 rotate6 scrota8 crotala9 crotale9 crotals9 rotated8 rotates7 rotator7 scrotal9 aegrotat9 corotate10 crotales10 crotalum12 dicrotal11 protamin12 protases10 protasis10 protatic12 rotaries8 rotating9 rotation8 rotative11 rotators8 rotatory11 rotavate11 aegrotats10 aerotaxes16 aerotaxis16 corotated12 corotates11 crotaline11 crotalism13 protamine13 protamins13 protandry15 protanope13 rotachute14 rotameter11 rotaplane11 rotatable11 rotations9 rotatores9 rotavated13 rotavates12 rotavator12 rotavirus12 sclerotal11 rotaviral12 aerotactic14 autorotate10 chevrotain18 corotating13 corotation12 crotalaria12 crotalisms14 heterotaxy23 hydrotaxes24 hydrotaxis24 levorotary16 protamines14 protanopes14 protanopia14 protanopic16 rotachutes15 rotameters12 rotaplanes12 rotational10 rotatively16 rotavating14 rotavators13 sclerotals12 autorotated12 autorotates11 chevrotains19 corotations13 crotalarias13 heterotaxes21 heterotaxia21 heterotaxic23 heterotaxis21 hydrotactic22 laevorotary17 nonrotating12 protagonism16 protagonist14 protandries14 protandrous14 protanomaly18 protanopias15 rotaviruses14 autorotating13 autorotation12 dextrorotary23 heterotactic19 heterotaxias22 Show more ...

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