Disgusts is valid Scrabble Word

Is disgusts a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is disgusts valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DISGUSTS in dictionary:

Words related to DISGUSTS

disgust9 disgusted12 disgusting13

How to use DISGUSTS in a sentence

Similar words containing GUST without suffix s and without prefix dis

gust5 gusto6 gusts6 gusty9 august7 degust8 gusted8 gustie7 gustos7 auguste8 augusts8 degusts9 disgust9 gustful11 gustier8 gustily11 gusting9 gustoes8 auguster9 augustes9 augustly12 degusted11 gustable11 gustiest9 gustless9 augustest10 degustate11 degusting12 disgusted12 gustables12 gustation10 gustative13 gustatory13 gustiness10 ligustrum12 augustness11 degustated13 degustates12 disgustful15 disgusting13 gustations11 ligustrums13 degustating14 degustation13 degustatory16 disgustedly17 gustatorily15 gustinesses12 augustnesses13 degustations14 disgustfully20 disgustingly18 pregustation15 disgustedness16 pregustations16 angustifoliate18 disgustfulness19 disgustingness17 angustirostrate16 disgustednesses18
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