Cosseted is valid Scrabble Word

Is cosseted a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cosseted valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COSSETED in dictionary:

Words related to COSSETED

cosset8 cosseting12 cossets9

How to use COSSETED in a sentence

Similar words containing SSET without suffix ed and without prefix co

asset5 assets6 basset8 bosset8 cosset8 gusset7 misset8 posset8 russet6 tasset6 bassets9 bassett9 bossets9 brasset9 cossets9 cresset9 gussets8 knesset11 missets9 osseter7 ossetra7 possets9 russets7 russety10 tassets7 basseted11 bassetts10 brassets10 cassette10 cressets10 fossette11 gusseted10 knessets12 masseter10 osseters8 ossetras8 posseted11 russeted9 assetless9 basseting12 bassetted12 cassettes11 cosseting12 cossetted12 crossette11 fossettes12 gusseting11 masseters11 posseting12 poussette11 roussette9 russeting10 russetier9 bassetting13 crossettes12 gussetings12 masseteric14 missetting13 poussetted13 poussettes12 roussettes10 russetings11 russetting11 russetiest10 cossetting13 poussetting14 russettings12 minicassette16 audiocassette16 microcassette19 minicassettes17 videocassette19 audiocassettes17 microcassettes20 videocassettes20
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