Congener is valid Scrabble Word

Is congener a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is congener valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CONGENER in dictionary:

Words related to CONGENER

cogener10 congeners12

Words that contain CONGENER

congeners12 congeneric15 congenerics16 congenerous14 congenerical17

How to use CONGENER in a sentence

Similar words containing NGEN without suffix er and without prefix co

ingenu7 pangen9 ingener8 ingenue8 ingenus8 pangene10 pangens10 pungent10 ringent8 tangent8 congenic13 engender10 ingeners9 ingenium11 ingenues9 pangenes11 plangent11 pungence13 pungency16 syngenic14 tangence11 tangency14 tangents9 ungenial9 ungentle9 ungently12 congeners12 congenial12 cotangent12 engenders11 engendure11 impingent14 ingenious10 ingeniums12 ingenuity13 ingenuous10 lilangeni10 melongene12 plangency17 pungences14 pungently15 stringent10 syngeneic15 tangences12 tangental10 ungenteel10 ungenuine10 ungentler10 arctangent13 astringent11 congeneric15 congenetic15 congenital13 contingent13 cotangents13 emalangeni13 engendered13 engenderer12 engendrure12 engendures12 ingenerate11 melongenes13 nongenetic13 nongenital11 pangeneses13 pangenesis13 pangenetic15 plangently16 pungencies15 refringent14 stringency16 stringendo12 subtangent13 syngeneses14 syngenesis14 syngenetic16 tangencies13 tangential11 ungenerous11 lilangenis11 ungendered13 ungenially14 ungentlest11 arctangents14 astringence14 astringency17 astringents12 congenerics16 congenerous14 congenially17 contingence16 contingency19 contingents14 engenderers13 engendering14 engendrures13 ingenerated13 ingenerates12 ingeniously15 ingenuities12 Show more ...
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