Buttes is valid Scrabble Word

Is buttes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is buttes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BUTTES in dictionary:

Words related to BUTTES


How to use BUTTES in a sentence

Similar words containing BUTTE without suffix s

butte7 butted9 butter8 abutted10 abutter9 butters9 buttery12 abutters10 buttered11 rebutted11 rebutter10 butterbur13 buttercup15 butterfat14 butterfly17 butterier11 butteries11 butterine11 buttering12 butternut11 hagbutter15 nutbutter11 rebutters11 butterball14 butterburs14 buttercups16 butterdock19 butterfats15 butterfish18 butteriest12 butterines12 butterless12 buttermilk18 butternuts12 butterweed16 butterwort15 hackbutter21 hagbutters16 nutbutters12 unbuttered13 butterhead16 butterhorn15 butterballs15 butterdocks20 butterflied17 butterflies16 butterflyer19 butteriness13 buttermilks19 butterweeds17 butterworts16 hackbutters22 surrebutted14 surrebutter13 buttercream17 butterheads17 butterhorns16 butterfishes20 butterflyers20 butterflying21 butterscotch21 surrebutters14 buttercreams18 butterfingers19 butterflyfish27 butterinesses15 butterfingered21 butterscotches23 butterflyfishes29
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