Barre is valid Scrabble Word

Is barre a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is barre valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BARRE in dictionary:

Words related to BARRE

barred9 barreed10 barreing11 barres8 barring10

Words that contain BARRE

barred9 barrel8 barren8 barres8 barret8 barreed10 barrels9 barrens9 barrets9 barreing11 barreled11 barrener10 barrenly13 barretor10 barretry13 barrette10 debarred12 embarred13 imbarred13 unbarred11 barrefull14 barrelage12 barrelful14 barreling12 barrelled12 barrenest11 barretors11 barretter11 barrettes11 disbarred13 outbarred12 barrelages13 barrelfuls15 barrelhead16 barrelling13 barrelsful15 barrenness12 barrenwort15 barretries12 barretrous12 barretters12 crowbarred18 undebarred14 barrelheads17 barrelhouse16 barrenworts16 crossbarred16 multibarrel15 barrelhouses17 barrennesses14 barretrously17 multibarrels16 multibarreled18 multibarrelled19

How to use BARRE in a sentence

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