Amin is valid Scrabble Word

Is amin a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is amin valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AMIN in dictionary:

Words related to AMIN

amine7 amins7

Words that contain AMIN

amine7 amino7 amins7 gamin8 ramin7 tamin7 amines8 aminic10 aminos8 diamin9 etamin8 famine11 faming12 gamine9 gaming10 gamins9 haming12 lamina8 laming9 naming9 ramins8 tamine8 taming9 tamins8 aminity12 beaming12 blaming12 coaming12 diamine10 diamins10 enamine9 etamine9 etamins9 examine16 famines12 flaming13 foaming13 framing13 gamines10 gamings11 indamin10 laminae9 laminal9 laminar9 laminas9 laminin9 leaming10 loaming10 namings10 reaming10 roaming10 seaming10 shamina12 shaming13 stamina9 suramin9 tamines9 tamings10 teaming10 thiamin12 vitamin12 ashaming14 beamings13 benaming13 benjamin19 breaming13 calamine12 calamint12 coamings13 coramine12 creaming13 defaming15 diamines11 dopamine13 dreaming12 enamines10 entaming11 etamines10 examined18 examinee17 examiner17 examines17 flamines13 flamingo14 foamings14 foramina13 framings14 gaminess11 gleaming12 gloaming12 hexamine20 histamin13 indamine11 indamins11 infaming14 ketamine14 laminals10 laminary13 laminate10 laminins10 Show more ...

How to use AMIN in a sentence

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