Wander is valid Scrabble Word

Is wander a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is wander valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WANDER in dictionary:

Words related to WANDER

excurse16 raik8 stray8 stroam8 wandered13 wanderer12 wanderers13 wandering14 wanderingly19 wanderings15 wanders11

How to use WANDER in a sentence

Similar words containing WAND without suffix er

wand8 wands9 wandle10 wandoo10 ellwand11 wanders11 wandled12 wandles11 wandoos11 ellwands12 metewand14 wandered13 wanderer12 wanderoo12 wandlike16 wandling13 yardwand16 forwander16 metewands15 wanderers13 wandering14 wanderoos13 yardwands17 forwanders17 miswandred17 wanderings15 wanderlust14 forwandered19 unwandering16 wanderingly19 wanderlusts15 forwandering20
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