Trusts is valid Scrabble Word

Is trusts a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trusts valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRUSTS in dictionary:

Words related to TRUSTS

trust5 trusted8 trusting9

Words that contain TRUSTS

entrusts8 intrusts8 untrusts8 distrusts10 mistrusts11 unitrusts9 overtrusts13

How to use TRUSTS in a sentence

Similar words containing TRUST without suffix s

trust5 trusty9 entrust7 intrust7 trusted8 trustee7 truster7 trustor7 untrust7 distrust9 entrusts8 intrusts8 mistrust10 trusteed9 trustees8 trusters8 trustful11 trustier8 trusties8 trustily11 trusting9 trustors8 unitrust8 untrusts8 untrusty11 antitrust9 cotrustee11 distrusts10 entrusted10 intrusted10 mistrusts11 overtrust12 trustable11 trustiest9 trustless9 unitrusts9 untrusted10 cotrustees12 distrusted12 distruster11 entrusting11 intrusting11 mistrusted13 mistruster12 overtrusts13 trusteeing11 trustfully16 trustiness10 trustingly14 untrustful13 untrustier10 untrusting11 antitruster11 distrusters12 distrustful15 distrusting13 entrustment13 intrustment13 mistrusters13 mistrustful16 mistrusting14 overtrusted15 trustbuster13 trusteeship16 trustlessly14 trustworthy20 untrustiest11 antitrusters12 distrustless13 entrustments14 intrustments14 mistrustless14 overtrusting16 trustability17 trustafarian15 trustbusters14 trustbusting15 trusteeships17 trustfulness15 trustinesses12 trustingness13 untrustiness12 distrustfully20 mistrustfully21 mistrustingly19 trustafarians16 trustbustings16 trustlessness13 trustworthily22 unmistrustful18 untrustworthy22 trustworthier19 trustabilities16 trustfulnesses17 trustingnesses15 untrustinesses14 trustworthiest20 distrustfulness19 mistrustfulness20 trustlessnesses15 trustworthiness21 untrustworthily24 trustworthinesses23 distrustfulnesses21 mistrustfulnesses22
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