Trip is valid Scrabble Word

Is trip a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trip valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRIP in dictionary:

Words related to TRIP

tripped12 tripping13 trippingly18 trippings14 trips7

Words that contain TRIP

atrip7 strip7 tripe7 trips7 tripy10 stripe8 strips8 stript8 stripy11 tripes8 tripey11 triple8 triply11 tripod9 tripos8 trippy13 cantrip11 striped10 striper9 stripes9 stripey12 tripack15 tripart9 tripery12 tripier9 tripled10 triples9 triplet9 triplex16 tripman11 tripmen11 tripods10 tripody13 tripoli9 tripped12 tripper11 trippet11 tripple11 tripses9 tripsis9 triptan9 unstrip9 airstrip10 cantrips12 outstrip10 overtrip13 stripers10 stripier10 striping11 stripped13 stripper12 tripacks16 tripedal11 triphase13 triphone13 tripiest10 triplane10 triplets10 triplied11 triplies10 tripling11 triplite10 triploid11 tripodal11 tripodic13 tripolis10 triposes10 trippant12 trippers12 trippery15 trippets12 trippier12 tripping13 trippled13 trippler12 tripples12 triptane10 triptans10 triptote10 triptyca15 triptych18 tripudia11 tripwire13 unstrips10 airstrips11 dragstrip13 filmstrip16 outstrips11 overtrips14 pinstripe13 roundtrip12 stripiest11 stripings12 stripling12 strippers13 stripping14 tearstrip11 triperies11 triphones14 tripitaka15 triplanes11 triplexed19 triplexes18 triplings12 triplites11 triploids12 triploidy15 triplying15 tripodies12 trippiest13 trippings14 tripplers13 trippling14 triptanes11 triptotes11 triptycas16 triptychs19 triptyque23 tripudium14 tripwires14 unstriped12 tripmeter13 dragstrips14 fieldstrip16 filmstrips17 pinstriped15 pinstripes14 roundtrips13 stripagram15 stripeless12 stripiness12 striplings13 stripogram15 strippable16 strippings15 striptease12 tearstrips12 tripartism14 tripartite12 tripehound16 triphammer19 triphthong19 triphylite18 tripinnate12 tripitakas16 tripleness12 tripletail12 triplexing20 triplicate14 triplicity17 tripperish17 trippingly18 tripterous12 triptyques24 tripudiary16 tripudiate13 tripudiums15 unstripped15 cedarstrip15 tripmeters14 tripperier14 centripetal15 chalkstripe22 fieldstrips17 lithotripsy19 outstripped16 overtripped19 stripagrams16 stripograms16 strippagram18 stripteaser13 stripteases13 tripalmitin15 tripartisms15 tripehounds17 tripersonal13 tripetalous13 triphammers20 triphibious18 triphthongs20 triphylites19 triphyllous19 tripletails13 triplicated16 triplicates15 triploidies14 tripudiated15 tripudiates14 unstripping16 xerotripses20 xerotripsis20 sumatriptan15 cedarstrips16 fieldstript17 tripperiest15 chalkstripes23 lithotripter17 lithotriptic19 lithotriptor17 outstripping17 overtripping20 stripinesses14 strippagrams19 strippergram19 stripteasers14 tripalmitins16 tripartitely17 tripartition14 triphosphate22 triphthongal21 tripinnately17 triplenesses14 triplicating17 triplication16 triplicities16 tripudiating16 tripudiation15 ventripotent17 sumatriptans16 amitriptyline20 centripetally20 fieldstripped22 lithontriptic20 lithontriptor18 lithotripsies18 lithotripters18 lithotriptics20 lithotriptist18 lithotriptors18 nortriptyline18 roundtripping19 strippergrams20 subtriplicate19 tripartitions15 triphosphates23 triplications17 triploblastic19 tripudiations16 amitriptylines21 centripetalism20 fieldstripping23 lithontriptics21 lithontriptist19 lithontriptors19 lithotriptists19 nortriptylines19 roundtrippings20 tripersonalism18 tripersonalist16 tripersonality19 triphenylamine24 centripetalisms21 lithontriptists20 tripersonalisms19 tripersonalists17 triphenylamines25 triphenylmethan28 triphenylmethane29 triphenylmethanes30

How to use TRIP in a sentence

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