Tom is valid Scrabble Word

Is tom a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tom valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TOM in dictionary:

Words related to TOM

tommed11 tomming12 toms6

Words that contain TOM

atom6 tomb8 tome6 tomo6 toms6 atoms7 atomy10 stoma7 stomp9 toman7 tombs9 tomes7 tomia7 tommy12 tomos7 atomic10 bottom10 custom10 diatom9 entomb10 fantom11 intomb10 madtom11 mestom10 ostomy11 stomal8 stomas8 stomia8 stomps10 stompy13 tomans8 tomato8 tombac12 tombak14 tombal10 tombed11 tombic12 tomboc12 tomboy13 tomcat10 tomcod11 tomial8 tomium10 tommed11 tompon10 tompot10 tomtit8 untomb10 anatomy12 atomics11 atomies9 atomise9 atomism11 atomist9 atomize18 automan9 automat9 automen9 bottoms11 customs11 diatoms10 distome10 entombs11 entomic11 epitome11 fantoms12 intombs11 leptome11 madtoms12 mestome11 mestoms11 myotome14 ottoman9 phantom14 ptomain11 scotoma11 scotomy14 stomach14 stomack15 stomata9 stomate9 stomium11 stomped12 stomper11 stompie11 subatom11 symptom16 tomback17 tombacs13 tombaks15 tombing12 tombocs13 tombola11 tombolo11 tomboys14 tomcats11 tomcods12 tomenta9 tomfool12 tommied12 tommies11 tomming12 tompion11 tompons11 tomtits9 tritoma9 untombs11 zootomy21 accustom14 anatomic12 antiatom10 astomous10 atomical12 atomised11 atomiser10 atomises10 atomisms12 atomists10 atomized20 atomizer19 atomizes19 automata10 automate10 automats10 autotomy13 blastoma12 bottomed13 bottomer12 bottomry15 christom15 colotomy15 customed13 customer12 diatomic13 distomes11 ectomere12 entombed13 epistome12 epitomes12 epitomic14 hecatomb17 hematoma15 hepatoma15 intombed13 keratoma14 leptomes12 lobotomy15 mestomes12 mycetoma17 myotomes15 odontoma11 oncotomy15 ostomate10 ostomies10 ottomans10 pentomic14 phantoms15 phantomy18 photomap17 ptomaine12 ptomains12 rheotome13 scotomas12 scotomia12 steatoma10 stomachs15 stomachy18 stomacks16 stomatal10 stomates10 stomatic12 stomiums12 stomodea11 stompers12 stompier12 stompies12 stomping13 subatoms12 symptoms17 tautomer10 tenotomy13 teratoma10 tomahawk20 tomalley13 tomatoes10 tomatoey13 tombacks18 tombless12 tomblike16 tombolas12 tombolos12 tomentum12 tomfools13 tommycod18 tommying16 tommyrot15 tomogram13 tomorrow13 tompions12 tomponed13 tritomas10 untombed13 urostomy13 vagotomy17 vasotomy16 xylotomy23 zootomic21 accustoms15 amniotomy16 anatomies11 anatomise11 anatomist11 anatomize20 antiatoms11 astomatal11 atomicity16 atomisers11 atomising12 atomistic13 atomizers20 atomizing21 automagic14 automaker15 automated12 automates11 automatic13 automaton11 autometer11 autotomic13 blastomas13 bottomers13 bottoming14 bottomset13 christoms16 colectomy18 colostomy16 colpotomy18 cordotomy17 costotomy16 customary16 customers13 customise13 customize22 cystotomy19 cytometer16 cytometry19 dermatome14 diatomist12 diatomite12 dichotomy20 disentomb14 ectomeres13 ectomeric15 ectomorph18 elastomer11 entombing14 epistomes13 epitomise13 epitomist13 epitomize22 haematoma16 harmotome16 hecatombs18 hematomas16 hepatomas16 hypostome19 ileostomy14 intombing14 iridotomy15 keratomas15 leucotome13 leucotomy16 leukotome15 leukotomy18 lipectomy18 lithotome14 lithotomy17 lobectomy18 melastome13 microtome15 microtomy18 mitomycin18 monatomic15 monostome13 multiatom13 mycetomas18 necrotomy16 neurotomy14 nonatomic13 odontomas12 optometer13 optometry16 osteotome11 osteotomy14 ostomates11 pantomime15 peristome13 photomaps18 photomask20 phytotomy22

How to use TOM in a sentence

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