Tempered is valid Scrabble Word

Is tempered a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tempered valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TEMPERED in dictionary:

Words related to TEMPERED

temper10 tempering14 tempers11

Words that contain TEMPERED

attempered15 obtempered17 retempered15 untempered15 contempered18 destempered17 distempered17 mistempered18 undistempered19

How to use TEMPERED in a sentence

Similar words containing TEMPER without suffix ed

temper10 tempera11 tempers11 attemper12 obtemper14 retemper12 temperas12 temperer12 untemper12 attempers13 contemper15 destemper14 distemper14 mistemper15 obtempers15 retempers13 temperate13 temperers13 tempering14 untempers13 attempered15 contempers16 destempers15 distempers15 mistempers16 obtempered17 retempered15 temperable16 temperance16 temperated15 temperates14 temperings15 untempered15 attempering16 contempered18 destempered17 distempered17 intemperant15 intemperate15 mistempered18 obtemperate17 obtempering18 retempering16 temperament17 temperances17 temperately18 temperating16 temperative18 temperature15 untempering16 attemperment18 contempering19 destempering18 distemperate17 distempering18 intemperance18 intemperants16 mistempering19 obtemperated19 obtemperates18 subtemperate18 temperalitie16 temperaments18 temperatures16 attemperments19 intemperances19 intemperately20 obtemperating20 temperability22 temperalities17 temperamental19 temperateness17 undistempered19 contemperation20 contemperature20 distemperature19 temperamentful23 contemperations21 contemperatures21 distemperatures20 intemperateness19 temperabilities21 temperamentally24 temperatenesses19 intemperatenesses21
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