Taxis is valid Scrabble Word

Is taxis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is taxis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TAXIS in dictionary:

Words related to TAXIS

tactism11 taxi11 taxied14 taxies13 taxiing15 taxises14 taxying18

Words that contain TAXIS

taxises14 epitaxis17 geotaxis16 aerotaxis16 cytotaxis21 epistaxis18 homotaxis21 hypotaxis24 parataxis18 rheotaxis19 telotaxis16 chemotaxis24 heliotaxis20 hydrotaxis24 phototaxis22 tropotaxis19 epistaxises20 heterotaxis21 phyllotaxis26 stereotaxis18 thermotaxis23 thigmotaxis24 trophotaxis23 chemotaxises26

How to use TAXIS in a sentence

Similar words containing TAXI without suffix s

taxi11 ataxia13 ataxic15 taxied14 taxies13 taxing14 taxite13 ataxias14 ataxics16 ataxies14 eutaxia14 taxicab18 taxiing15 taximan16 taximen16 taxings15 taxises14 taxites14 taxitic16 taxiway20 dystaxia19 dystaxic21 epitaxic19 epitaxis17 eutaxias15 eutaxies15 eutaxite15 geotaxis16 retaxing16 taxiarch20 taxicabs19 taxingly19 taxiways21 untaxing16 aerotaxis16 cytotaxis21 dystaxias20 epistaxis18 epitaxial18 epitaxies18 eutaxites16 eutaxitic18 homotaxic23 homotaxis21 hypotaxis24 parataxis18 postaxial18 rheotaxis19 surtaxing17 taxiarchs21 taxidermy22 taximeter18 taxiplane18 telotaxis16 zootaxies25 chemotaxis24 heliotaxis20 homotaxial22 hydrotaxis24 overtaxing21 phototaxis22 taxidermal20 taxidermic22 taximeters19 taxiplanes19 tropotaxis19 anthotaxies21 epistaxises20 epitaxially23 heterotaxia21 heterotaxic23 heterotaxis21 phototaxies23 phyllotaxis26 pleiotaxies20 stereotaxia18 stereotaxic20 stereotaxis18 taxidermies21 taxidermise21 taxidermist21 taxidermize30 thermotaxic25 thermotaxis23 thigmotaxis24 trophotaxis23 undertaxing20 heterotaxias22 heterotaxies22 homotaxially27 phyllotaxies27 stereotaxias19 taxidermised23 taxidermises22 taxidermists22 taxidermized32 taxidermizes31 chemotaxises26 taxidermising24 taxidermizing33 stereotaxically27
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