Taper is valid Scrabble Word

Is taper a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is taper valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TAPER in dictionary:

Words related to TAPER

tape6 tapered10 tapering11 tapers8

Words that contain TAPER

tapers8 tapered10 taperer9 taperers10 tapering11 taperings12 taperness11 taperwise14 taperingly16 taperstick18 tapernesses13 tapersticks19 metaperiodic19

How to use TAPER in a sentence

Similar words containing TAP without suffix er

tap5 atap6 stap6 tapa6 tape6 taps6 tapu6 ataps7 attap7 etape7 staph10 staps7 tapas7 taped8 tapen7 tapes7 tapet7 tapir7 tapis7 tappa9 tapus7 watap10 attaps8 etapes8 retape8 stapes8 staphs11 staple8 tapalo8 tapers8 tapeta8 tapeti8 tapets8 taping9 tapirs8 tapist8 tappas10 tapped11 tapper10 tappet10 tappit10 tapued9 watape11 wataps11 catapan11 epitaph14 gestapo10 heeltap12 mixtape18 octapla11 pitapat11 pretape11 retaped10 retapes9 stapled10 stapler9 staples9 stapped12 stapple11 tapalos9 tapered10 taperer9 tapetal9 tapeted10 tapetis9 tapetum11 taphole12 tapings10 tapioca11 tapises9 tapists9 taplash12 tapless9 tappers11 tappets11 tappice13 tapping12 taproom11 taproot9 tapsman11 tapsmen11 tapster9 tapstry12 tapuing10 watapes12 wattape12 wiretap12 catapans12 cataphor15 catapult12 cenotaph15 epitaphs15 gestapos11 griptape13 heeltaps13 inchtape15 metaphor15 metaplot12 mixtapes19 nametape12 octaplas12 octapody16 pitapats12 portapak16 pretaped13 pretapes12 rataplan10 retaping11 stapedes11 stapedii11 stapelia10 staplers10 stapling11 stapping13 stapples12 tapacolo12 tapaculo12 tapadera11 tapadero11 tapeable12 tapeless10 tapelike14 tapeline10 tapenade11 taperers10 tapering11 tapestry13 tapeting11 tapetums12 tapeworm15 tapholes13 taphouse13 tapiocas12 tapiroid11 tappable14 tappiced15 tappices14 tappings13 taprooms12 taproots10 tapsters10 untapped13 wattapes13 wiretaps13 audiotape12 cataphora16 cataphors16 cataphyll19 cataplasm15 cataplexy23 catapults13 cenotaphs16 epitaphed17 epitapher16 epitaphic18 griptapes14 heptapody20 inchtapes16 juxtapose25 metapelet13 metaphase16 metaphors16 metaplasm15 nametapes13 nonstaple11 notaphily17 octaploid14 octapodic16 pentapody17 portapack19 portapaks17 pretaping14 rataplans11 rotaplane11 sellotape11 stapedial12 stapedius12 stapelias11 staplings12 tapacolos13 tapaculos13 tapaderas12 tapaderos12 tapelines11 tapenades12 taperings12 taperness11 taperwise14 tapeworms16 taphonomy19 taphouses14 tapiroids12 taplashes14 tappicing16 taprooted12 tapstress11 tapstries11 videotape15 audiotaped14 audiotapes13 cataphonic19 cataphoras17 cataphoric19 cataphract19 cataphylls20 cataplasia14 cataplasms16 catapulted15 catapultic16 cenotaphic19 epitaphers17 epitaphial17 epitaphian17 epitaphing18 epitaphist17 heptapodic20 juxtaposed27 juxtaposes26 metaphases17 metaphoric19 metaphrase17 metaphrast17 metaphysic22 metaplases14 metaplasia14 metaplasis14 metaplasms16 nonstaples12 notaphilic17 octaploids15 octaploidy18 octapodies15 pentaploid15 pentapodic17 pentapolis14 pentaprism16 pitapatted15 portapacks20 rotaplanes12 sellotaped13 sellotapes12 staphyline18 staphyloma20 taperingly16 taperstick18 tapescript16 tapestried13 tapestries12 taphonomic19 tapotement14 videotaped17 videotapes16 wiretapped18 wiretapper17 tickertape18 audiotaping15 cataphonics20 cataphracts20 cataplasias15 cataplastic17 cataplectic19 cataplexies22 catapultier15 catapulting16 epitaphists18 heptapodies19 juxtaposing28 metaphorist18 metaphrased19 metaphrases18 metaphrasis18 metaphrasts18 metaphysics23 metaplasias15 metaplasmic19 metaplastic17 metapsychic25 notaphilies16 notaphilism18 notaphilist16 octapeptide18 pataphysics23 pentaploids16 pentaploidy19 pentapodies16 pentaprisms17 pitapatting16 rataplanned14 sellotaping14 stapediuses14 staphylinid20 staphylitis19 staphylomas21 tapernesses13 tapersticks19 tapescripts17 tapestrying17 taphephobia23 taphephobic25 taphonomies18
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