Stands is valid Scrabble Word

Is stands a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is stands valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STANDS in dictionary:

Words related to STANDS

stand6 standing10 stood6

Words that contain STANDS

upstands11 bedstands13 cabstands14 hatstands13 inkstands14 outstands10 bandstands14 bookstands17 caskstands17 coatstands13 hallstands14 handstands15 hardstands15 headstands15 homestands16 kickstands21 lampstands15 newsstands14 overstands14 rickstands17 ringstands12 standstill11 washstands17 withstands17 grandstands14 nightstands16 standstills12 understands13 misunderstands18

How to use STANDS in a sentence

Similar words containing STAND without suffix s

stand6 standi7 standby13 standee8 standen8 stander8 standup10 upstand10 bedstand12 cabstand13 hatstand12 inkstand13 outstand9 standard10 standbys14 standees9 standers9 standing10 standish12 standoff15 standout9 standpat11 standups11 upstands11 bandstand13 bedstands13 bookstand16 bystander15 cabstands14 caskstand16 coatstand12 hallstand13 handstand14 hardstand14 hatstands13 headstand14 homestand15 inkstands14 kickstand20 lampstand14 newsstand13 outstands10 overstand13 rickstand16 ringstand11 standards11 standaway16 standdown14 standfast13 standgale11 standings11 standoffs16 standouts10 standover13 standpipe14 washstand16 withstand16 bandstands14 bookstands17 bystanders16 caskstands17 coatstands13 grandstand13 hallstands14 handstands15 hardstands15 headstands15 homestands16 kickstands21 lampstands15 newsstands14 nightstand15 overstands14 rickstands17 ringstands12 standardly15 standdowns15 standfasts14 standfirst14 standgales12 standishes14 standovers14 standpipes15 standpoint13 standstill11 understand12 upstanding14 washstands17 withstands17 grandstands14 nightstands16 nonstandard13 outstanding13 standardise13 standardize22 standfirsts15 standoffish21 standpatter14 standpoints14 standstills12 substandard15 understands13 withstander18 freestanding17 grandstanded16 grandstander15 hardstanding18 overstanding17 standardbred17 standardised15 standardiser14 standardises14 standardized24 standardizer23 standardizes23 standardless14 standpatters15 standpattism17 understanded15 understander14 withstanders19 withstanding20 nonstandards14 substandards16 grandstanders16 grandstanding17 hardstandings19 misunderstand17 multistandard17 outstandingly18 standardbreds18 standardisers15 standardising16 standardizers24 standardizing25 standoffishly26 standpattisms18 understanders15 understanding16 grandstandings18 misunderstands18 understandable18 understandably21 understandings17 unstandardised17 unstandardized26 upstandingness18 notwithstanding23 standardisation17 standardization26 standoffishness25 understandingly21 ununderstandabl19 misunderstandin19 upstandingnesse19 understandabili19 standardizations27 ununderstandable20 upstandingnesses20 misunderstanding21 misunderstandings22 understandability24 standoffishnesses27 understandabilities23
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