Rib is valid Scrabble Word

Is rib a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rib valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RIB in dictionary:

Words related to RIB

ribbed11 ribbing12 ribbings13 ribless9 riblike13 ribs6

Words that contain RIB

crib8 drib7 frib9 riba6 ribs6 bribe9 cribs9 dribs8 fribs10 oribi7 ribas7 ribby12 ribes7 tribe7 cribo9 arriba8 bribed11 bribee10 briber10 bribes10 caribe10 crible10 midrib11 oribis8 ribald9 riband9 ribaud9 ribbed11 ribber10 ribbie10 ribbit10 ribbon10 ribeye11 ribibe10 ribier8 riblet8 ribose8 scribe10 tribal8 tribes8 zariba17 zeriba17 ascribe11 bribees11 bribers11 bribery14 bribing12 caribes11 cariboo11 caribou11 cribbed14 cribber13 cribble13 dribbed13 dribber12 dribble12 dribbly15 driblet10 escribe11 fribble14 gribble12 midribs12 pribble13 ribalds10 ribands10 ribauds10 ribband12 ribbers11 ribbier11 ribbies11 ribbing12 ribbits11 ribbons11 ribbony14 ribcage12 ribeyes12 ribibes11 ribible11 ribiers9 ribless9 riblets9 riblike13 riboses9 ribston9 ribwork16 ribwort12 scribal11 scribed12 scriber11 scribes11 tribade10 tribady13 tribals9 tribble11 triblet9 tribune9 tribute9 zaribas18 zeribas18 cribles11 ribitol9 ascribed13 ascribes12 beriberi12 bribable14 cariboos12 caribous12 corncrib14 cribbage15 cribbers14 cribbing15 cribbled15 cribbles14 cribella12 cribrate12 cribrose12 cribrous12 cribwork19 describe13 diatribe11 dribbers13 dribbing14 dribbled14 dribbler13 dribbles13 dribblet13 driblets11 escribed13 escribes12 fribbled16 fribbler15 fribbles15 furibund14 gribbles13 horrible13 horribly16 inscribe12 moribund13 oribatid11 outbribe12 periblem14 periboli12 pribbles14 ribalder11 ribaldly14 ribaldry14 ribaudry14 ribbands13 ribbiest12 ribbings13 ribboned13 ribbonry15 ribcages13 ribgrass11 ribibles12 ribosome12 ribozyme24 ribstone10 ribstons10 ribulose10 ribworks17 ribworts13 scribble14 scribbly17 scribers12 scribing13 scribism14 sparerib12 subtribe12 terrible10 terribly13 thurible13 tribades11 tribadic13 tribally13 tribasic12 tribbles12 triblets10 tribrach15 tribunal10 tribunes10 tributer10 tributes10 unribbed13 ascribing14 attribute11 beriberis13 bribeable15 briberies13 conscribe15 corncribs15 cribbages16 cribbings16 cribbling16 cribellar13 cribellum15 cribworks20 described15 describer14 describes14 diatribes12 dribblers14 dribblets14 dribblier14 dribbling15 escribano13 escribing14 fribblers16 fribbling17 fribblish19 garibaldi13 horribles14 inferible14 inscribed14 inscriber13 inscribes13 nontribal11 oribatids12 outbribed14 outbribes13 periblast13 periblems15 periboloi13 peribolos13 peribolus13 prescribe15 proscribe15 retribute11 ribaldest12 ribattuta11 ribaudred13 ribavirin14 ribboning14 ribosomal13 ribosomes13 ribozymal25 ribozymes25 ribstones11 ribuloses11 scribable15 scribbled16 scribbler15 scribbles15 scribings14 scribisms15 spareribs13 subscribe15 subtribes13 terribles11 thuribles14 tribadies12 tribadism14 tribalism13 tribalist11 tribeless11 tribesman13 tribesmen13 tribology15 tribrachs16 tribulate11 tribunals11 tribunary14 tribunate11 tributary14 tributers11 turribant11 waribashi17 ribbonier13 ascribable16 attributed13 attributer12 attributes12 attributor12 beribboned17 bescribble18 claribella14 conscribed17 conscribes16 contribute14 cribration14 cribriform19 describers15 describing16 diatribist13 distribute13 dribbliest15 dribblings16 escribanos14 estributor12 floribunda16 garibaldis14 inferrible15 inscribers14 inscribing15 moribundly18 outbribing15 paedotribe15 periblasts14 prescribed17 prescriber16

How to use RIB in a sentence

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