Retelling is valid Scrabble Word

Is retelling a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is retelling valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RETELLING in dictionary:

Words related to RETELLING

retell6 retellings11 retells7 retold7

Words that contain RETELLING

pretelling13 retellings11 foretelling15

How to use RETELLING in a sentence

Similar words containing TELL without suffix ing and without prefix re

tell4 stell5 tells5 telly8 retell6 stella6 stells6 tellar6 tellen6 teller6 tellin6 tellus6 tellys9 mistell9 outtell7 patella9 pretell9 retells7 sitella7 stellar7 stellas7 stelled8 stellio7 tellars7 tellens7 tellers7 tellies7 telling8 tellins7 vitelli10 castella10 clitella10 dentelle9 entellus8 foretell11 martello10 mistells10 outtells8 patellae10 patellar10 patellas10 pretells10 reteller8 rostella8 satelles8 scutella10 sitellas8 sittella8 stellate8 stellify14 stelling9 stellion8 stellite8 tellable10 tellared9 tellered9 tellings9 telltale8 tellural8 telluric10 telluses8 tortelli8 vitellin11 vitellus11 bagatelle12 battelled12 capitella13 castellan11 castellum13 clitellar11 clitellum13 dentelles10 foretells12 haustella12 hostelled13 hosteller12 hotelling13 intellect11 lintelled10 martelled12 martellos11 panatella11 panetella11 patellate11 pointelle11 retellers9 rostellar9 rostellum11 satellite9 scutellar11 scutellum13 sittellas9 stellated10 stellerid10 stellions9 stellites9 stellular9 tellaring10 tellering10 tellingly13 tellinoid10 telltales9 tellurate9 tellurian9 telluride10 tellurion9 tellurise9 tellurite9 tellurium11 tellurize18 tellurous9 tortellis9 vitellary15 vitelline12 vitellins12 autoteller10 bagatelles13 battelling13 brocatelle14 capitellum16 castellans12 castellums14 entelluses10 fenestella13 foreteller13 haustellum15 hostellers13 hostelling14 hotellings14 immortelle14 intellects12 martellato12 martelling13 matellasse12 mistelling13 outtelling11 panatellas12 panetellas12 pastellist12 pointelles12 pretelling13 retellings11 rostellate10 rostellums12 satellited11 satellites10 satellitic12 scutellate12 stellately13 stellerids11 stellified14 stellifies13 stelliform15 stellulate10 substellar12 taleteller10 tarantella10 tellership15 tellurates10 tellurians10 tellurides11 tellurions10 tellurised11 tellurises10 tellurites10 telluriums12 tellurized20 tellurizes19 toccatella14 tortellini10 untellable12 vitellicle15 vitellines13 vitelluses13 nonstellar10 autotellers11 barbastelle15 brocatelles15 castellated14 constellate13 fenestellae14 fenestellas14 foretellers14 foretelling15 haustellate14 hostellings15 immortelles15 intellected14 intelligent12 mantelletta13 martellando14 martellatos13 matellasses13 pastellists13 patelliform18 prepatellar15 satelliting12 satellitise11 satellitium13 satellitize20 scutellated14 stellarator11 stelleridan12 stellifying18 stellionate11 stellularly14 storyteller14 tagliatelle12 taletellers11 taletelling12 tarantellas11 tellerships16 telluretted12 tellurising12 tellurizing21 toccatellas15 tortellinis11 vitellaries14 vitellicles16 barbastelles16 biosatellite14 castellation14 constellated15 constellates14 intellection14 intellective17 intellectual14 intelligence15 intelligible15 intelligibly18 interstellar12 mantellettas14 martellandos15 patellectomy21 satellitised13 satellitises12 satellitiums14 satellitized22 satellitizes21 scutellation14 stellarators12 stelleridans13 stelliferous15 stellifyings19 stellionates12 storytellers15 storytelling16 subsatellite14 tagliatelles13 taletellings13 tellurometer14 vitellogenic18 vitellogenin16 antisatellite13 biosatellites15 castellations15 circumstellar19 constellating16 constellation15 constellatory18 intellections15 intellectuals15 intelligencer16 intelligences16 intelligently17 interstellary16 intratelluric15 perivitelline18 satellitising14 satellitizing23 scutellations15 storytellings17 subsatellites15 tellurometers15 unintelligent14 vitelligenous17 vitellogenins17 fortuneteller16 stracciatella17 constellations16 intellectively22 intellectually19 intelligencers17 intelligential15 intelligentsia15 intelligentzia24 microsatellite18 patellectomies20 unintellectual16 unintelligence17 unintelligible17 unintelligibly20 vitellogeneses18 vitellogenesis18 fortunetelling18 fortunetellers17 constellational17 intellectualise17 intellectualism19 intellectualist17
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