Repents is valid Scrabble Word

Is repents a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is repents valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REPENTS in dictionary:

Words related to REPENTS

repent8 repented11 repenting12

How to use REPENTS in a sentence

Similar words containing PENT without suffix s and without prefix re

pent6 pents7 spent7 arpent8 pentad9 pentyl11 repent8 unpent8 pentel8 arpents9 parpent11 pentact11 pentads10 pentane9 pentene9 penthia12 pentice11 pentise9 pentiti9 pentito9 pentode10 pentose9 pentyls12 perpent11 serpent9 stupent9 unspent9 pentels9 diapente11 erumpent12 forspent13 misspent12 nepenthe13 outspent10 parpents12 pentacle12 pentacts12 pentadic13 pentagon11 pentanes10 pentanol10 pentarch15 pentenes10 penthias13 penticed13 pentices12 pentised11 pentises10 pentodes11 pentomic14 pentosan10 pentoses10 pentroof13 perpents12 repented11 repenter10 serpents10 strepent10 carpenter13 carpentry16 diapentes12 forespent14 nepenthes14 overspent14 parapente13 pentacles13 pentagons12 pentagram14 pentalogy15 pentalpha16 pentamery16 pentangle12 pentanoic13 pentanols11 pentapody17 pentarchs16 pentarchy19 pentathla14 penthouse14 penticing14 pentising12 pentosane11 pentosans11 pentoside12 pentoxide19 pentroofs14 pentylene14 repentant11 repenters11 repenting12 serpentry14 wapentake18 carpenters14 epentheses15 epenthesis15 epenthetic17 gabapentin15 nepenthean15 parapentes14 pentachord18 pentagonal13 pentagrams15 pentagraph18 pentahedra16 pentalphas17 pentameter14 pentangles13 pentaploid15 pentapodic17 pentapolis14 pentaprism16 pentaquark25 pentastich17 pentastyle15 pentathlon15 pentathlum17 pentatomic16 pentatonic14 penteteric14 penthoused16 penthouses15 pentimenti14 pentimento14 pentosanes12 pentosides13 pentoxides20 pentstemon14 pentylenes15 porpentine14 repentance14 repentants12 serpentine12 serpentise12 serpentize21 thiopental15 turpentine12 turpentiny15 underspent13 unrepented13 wapentakes19 aldopentose14 carpentaria15 carpentered16 carpentries15 gabapentins16 parapenting16 pentachords19 pentactinal15 pentacyclic22 pentadactyl19 pentagonals14 pentagraphs19 pentagynian17 pentagynous17 pentahedral17 pentahedron17 pentalogies14 pentameries15 pentamerism17 pentamerous15 pentameters15 pentamidine16 pentandrian14 pentandrous14 pentangular14 pentaploids16 pentaploidy19 pentapodies16 pentaprisms17 pentaquarks26 pentarchies18 pentastichs18 pentastyles16 pentathlete16 pentathlons16 pentathlums18 pentavalent16 pentazocine24 penteconter15 penthemimer20 penthousing17 pentlandite14 pentstemons15 porpentines15 repentances15 repentantly16 repentingly17 serpentined14 serpentines13 serpentinic15 serpentised14 serpentises13 serpentized23 serpentizes22 serpentlike17 serpentries13 thiopentals16 thiopentone16 turpentined14 turpentines13 unrepentant13 unrepenting14 aldopentoses15 carpentarias16 carpentering17 cyclopentane21 parapentings17 pentacrinoid17 pentadactyle20 pentadactyls20 pentadactyly23 pentagonally18 pentahedrons18 pentamerisms18 pentamidines17 pentapeptide19 pentapolises16 pentapolitan16 pentarchical21 pentateuchal19 pentathletes17 pentavalence19 pentavalency22 pentazocines25 penteconters16 penthemimers21 pentlandites15 serpentiform19 serpentinely17 serpentining15 serpentinise14 serpentinite14 serpentinize23 serpentinous14 serpentising15 serpentizing24 thiopentones17 turpentining15 unnilpentium16 unrepentance16 turpentinier14 pentahydrate21 cyclopentanes22 pentabarbital19 pentacrinoids18 pentadactyles21 pentadactylic23 pentadelphous21 pentapeptides20 pentaploidies18 pentastichous20 pentasyllabic22 pentavalences20 penthemimeral22 pentobarbital19 serpentinings16 serpentinised16 serpentinises15 serpentinites15 serpentinized25 serpentinizes24 unnilpentiums17 unrepentances17 unrepentantly18 unrepentingly19 pentahydrates22 turpentiniest15 cyclopentolate23 pentabarbitals20 pentadactylies22 pentadactylism24 pentadactylous22 pentavalencies21 pentobarbitals20 pentobarbitone20 serpentiningly20 serpentinising17 serpentinizing26 cyclopentadiene25 cyclopentolates24 pentadactylisms25 pentobarbitones21 pentylenetetraz29 pentachlorophen27 pentachlorophenol29 pentylenetetrazol31 pentylenetetrazols32 pentachlorophenols30
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