Recto is valid Scrabble Word

Is recto a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is recto valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RECTO in dictionary:

Words related to RECTO


Words that contain RECTO

rector8 rectos8 erector9 rectors9 rectory12 director11 erectors10 rectoral10 corrector13 directors12 directory15 prorector13 rectocele13 rectorate11 rectoress11 rectorial11 rectories11 codirector15 correctors14 correctory17 neurectomy17 prorectors14 rectoceles14 rectorates12 rectorials12 rectorship17 uterectomy17 vitrectomy20 arthrectomy21 codirectors16 directorate14 directorial14 directories14 enterectomy18 gastrectomy19 nephrectomy23 pylorectomy23 rectoresses13 rectorships18 resurrector13 subdirector16 clitorectomy21 directorates15 directorship20 hysterectomy25 neurectomies16 oophorectomy24 resurrectors14 subdirectors17 uterectomies16 vitrectomies19 subdirectory20 arthrectomies20 directorially19 directorships21 enterectomies17 gastrectomies18 nephrectomies22 nephrectomise22 nephrectomize31 pylorectomies22 clitorectomies20 endarterectomy22 hysterectomies24 hysterectomise24 hysterectomize33 nephrectomised24 nephrectomises23 nephrectomized33 nephrectomizes32 oophorectomies23 oophorectomise23 oophorectomize32 subdirectories19 hysterectomised26 hysterectomises25 hysterectomized35 hysterectomizes34 nephrectomising25 nephrectomizing34 oophorectomised25 oophorectomises24 oophorectomized34 oophorectomizes33 hemispherectomy32 endarterectomie20 endarterectomies21

How to use RECTO in a sentence

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