Presuming is valid Scrabble Word

Is presuming a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is presuming valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PRESUMING in dictionary:

Words related to PRESUMING

presume11 presumed13 presumes12

Words that contain PRESUMING

presumingly19 unpresuming16

How to use PRESUMING in a sentence

Similar words containing SUM without suffix ing and without prefix pre

sum5 sumi6 sumo6 sump8 sums6 sumy9 adsum8 cusum9 sumac9 sumis7 summa9 sumos7 sumph12 sumps9 assume8 cusums10 dorsum9 fusuma11 gypsum14 omasum10 outsum8 pensum10 possum10 resume8 sensum8 sumach13 sumacs10 summae10 summar10 summas10 summat10 summed11 summer10 summit10 summon10 sumphs13 sumpit10 yessum11 alyssum12 assumed10 assumer9 assumes9 consume11 crissum11 grassum10 gypsums15 opossum11 outsums9 pensums11 possums11 presume11 resumed10 resumer9 resumes9 satsuma9 subsume11 sumachs14 sumatra9 sumless9 summand12 summary14 summate11 summats11 summers11 summery14 summing12 summist11 summits11 summons11 sumoist9 sumpits11 sumpter11 fusumas12 abomasum14 alyssums13 assumers10 assuming11 checksum21 coassume12 consumed13 consumer12 consumes12 consumpt14 grassums11 opossums12 possumed13 presumed13 presumer12 presumes12 prosumer12 reassume10 resumers10 resuming11 resummon12 satsumas10 subsumed13 subsumes12 sumatras10 sumbitch17 summable14 summands13 summated13 summates12 summered13 summerly15 summings13 summists12 summital12 summited13 summitry15 summoned13 summoner12 sumoists10 sumotori10 sumphish18 sumpitan12 sumpters12 sumpweed16 transume10 tsutsumu10 unsummed13 assumable13 assumably16 assumedly15 assumings12 assumpsit13 checksums22 coassumed14 coassumes13 consumers13 consuming14 consumpts15 midsummer16 outsummed14 possuming14 presumers13 presummit15 prosumers13 reassumed12 reassumes11 responsum13 resumable13 resummons13 sargassum12 subsuming14 summaries13 summarily16 summarise13 summarist13 summarize22 summating14 summation13 summative16 summerier13 summering14 summerset13 summiteer13 summiting14 summoners13 summoning14 summonsed14 summonses13 sumotoris11 sumpitans13 sumpsimus15 sumptuary16 sumptuous13 sumpweeds17 transumed12 transumes11 transumpt13 tsutsumus11 unassumed12 misassume13 assumingly16 assumpsits14 assumption14 assumptive17 bressummer16 cassumunar14 coassuming15 consumable16 consumedly18 consumings15 consummate16 midsummers17 outsumming15 preconsume16 presumable16 presumably19 presumedly18 presummits16 reassuming13 responsums14 resummoned15 resumption14 resumptive17 sargassums13 subsumable16 sumbitches19 summarised15 summariser14 summarises14 summarists14 summarized24 summarizer23 summarizes23 summations14 summeriest14 summerings15 summerless14 summerlike18 summerlong15 summersets14 summertide15 summertime16 summerwood18 summiteers14 summitless14 summitries14 summonable16 summonsing15 transuming13 transumpts14 unassuming13 unconsumed15 unsummered15 unsummoned15 misassumed15 misassumes14 summerlier14 assumptions15 bressummers17 cassumunars15 consumables17 consumerism17 consumerist15 consumingly19 consummated18 consummates17 consummator17 consumption17 consumptive20 helichrysum24 nonconsumer15 overconsume18 preconsumed18 preconsumes17 presumingly19 presumption17 presumptive20 resummoning16 resumptions15 subsumption17 subsumptive20 summability20 summariness15 summarisers15 summarising16 summarizers24 summarizing25 summational15 summerhouse18 summeriness15 summersault15 summertides16 summertimes17 summerwoods19 sumpsimuses17 sumptuosity18 sumptuously18 unpresuming16 sumatriptan15 misassuming16 summerliest15 anticonsumer16 assumability19 assumptively22 breastsummer18 consumerisms18 consumerists16 consumership21 consummately21 consummating19 consummation18 consummative21 consummators18 consummatory21 consumptions18 consumptives21 helichrysums25 inconsumable18 inconsumably21 missummation18 nonconsumers16 nonconsuming17 overconsumed20 overconsumes19 preconsuming19 presumptions18
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