Pound is valid Scrabble Word

Is pound a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pound valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for POUND in dictionary:

Words related to POUND

pound8 pounded11 pounder10 pounders11 pounding12 pounds9 pownd11

Words that contain POUND

pounds9 expound17 impound12 poundal10 pounded11 pounder10 compound15 expounds18 geepound12 impounds13 lispound11 poundage12 poundals11 pounders11 pounding12 propound13 compounds16 expounded20 expounder19 geepounds13 impounded15 impounder14 lispounds12 poundages13 poundcake18 poundings13 propounds14 shippound17 compounded18 compounder17 decompound18 expounders20 expounding21 impoundage16 impounders15 impounding16 poundcakes19 propounded16 propounder15 shippounds18 tenpounder13 compounders18 compounding19 decompounds19 impoundable18 impoundages17 impoundment18 noncompound18 petropounds16 propounders16 propounding17 tenpounders14 compoundable21 compoundings20 decompounded21 impoundments19 uncompounded20 noncompounds19 decompounding22 decompoundable24

How to use POUND in a sentence

Find what other words can be done using letters: "pound"
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