Owned is valid Scrabble Word

Is owned a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is owned valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OWNED in dictionary:

Words related to OWNED

own6 owning10 owns7

Words that contain OWNED

bowned12 downed11 gowned11 lowned10 browned13 clowned13 crowned13 drowned12 frowned14 unowned11 disowned13 preowned14 renowned12 ungowned13 beclowned17 decrowned16 disgowned15 embrowned17 imbrowned17 recrowned15 sundowned14 unbrowned15 uncrowned15 undrowned14 discrowned17 irrenowned14 outfrowned17 unrenowned14

How to use OWNED in a sentence

Similar words containing OWN without suffix ed

own6 down8 gown8 lown7 mown9 nown7 owns7 pown9 sown7 town7 adown9 blown10 bowne10 brown10 clown10 crown10 downa9 downs9 downy12 drown9 flown11 frown11 gowns9 grown9 known12 lownd9 lowne8 lowns8 owner8 pownd11 powns10 powny13 rownd9 shown11 sownd9 sowne8 stown8 towns8 towny11 bowned12 bownes11 browns11 browny14 clowns11 crowns11 disown10 downed11 downer10 drownd11 drowns10 frowns12 godown11 gowned11 intown9 knowns13 lownds10 lowned10 lownes9 owners9 owning10 pownds12 powney14 pownie11 renown9 resown9 rownds10 sownds10 sownes9 stownd10 strown9 swownd13 swowne12 thrown12 townee9 townie9 townly12 ungown10 unmown11 unsown9 uptown11 frowny15 acknown16 beclown14 bedgown14 beknown16 bowning13 browned13 browner12 brownie12 clowned13 cottown12 cowtown15 crowned13 crowner12 crownet12 cutdown13 decrown13 disgown12 disowns11 dogtown12 Show more ...
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