Opulent is valid Scrabble Word

Is opulent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is opulent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OPULENT in dictionary:

Words related to OPULENT

opulence12 opulences13 opulency15 opulently14

Words that contain OPULENT


How to use OPULENT in a sentence

Similar words containing OPUL without suffix ent

copula10 opulus8 copulae11 copular11 copulas11 popular11 scopula11 copulate12 opulence12 opulency15 opuluses10 populace14 populars12 populate12 populism14 populist12 populous12 scopulae12 scopulas12 aeropulse11 copulated14 copulates13 hydropult18 monopulse13 opulences13 opulently14 populaces15 popularly16 populated14 populates13 populisms15 populists13 propulsor13 scopulate13 unpopular13 aeropulses12 copulating15 copulation14 copulative17 copulatory17 depopulate15 hydropults19 monopulses14 opulencies14 popularise14 popularist14 popularity17 popularize23 populating15 population14 populistic16 populously17 propulsion14 propulsive17 propulsors14 propulsory17 repopulate14 unpopulous14 popularism16 nonpopular14 antipopular15 copulations15 copulatives18 depopulated17 depopulates16 depopulator16 outpopulate15 popularised16 populariser15 popularises15 popularized25 popularizer24 popularizes24 populations15 propulsions15 repopulated16 repopulates15 semipopular17 unpopularly18 unpopulated16 popularisms17 copulatively22 depopulating18 depopulation17 depopulators17 obstropulous16 outpopulated17 outpopulates16 overpopulate19 popularisers16 popularising17 popularities16 popularizers25 popularizing26 populational16 populousness16 repopularise16 repopularize25 repopulating17 repopulation16 retropulsion14 retropulsive17 unpopularity19 depopulations18 outpopulating18 overpopulated21 overpopulates20 precopulatory22 repopularised18 repopularises17 repopularized27 repopularizes26 repopulations17 retropulsions15 subpopulation19 micropulsation20 overpopulating22 overpopulation21 popularisation18 popularization27 populousnesses18 postcopulatory23 repopularising19 repopularizing28 subpopulations20 underpopulated20 unpopularities18 cardiopulmonary25 interpopulation19 intrapopulation19 micropulsations21 overpopulations22 popularisations19 popularizations28 interpopulational21
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