Nite is valid Scrabble Word

Is nite a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nite valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for NITE in dictionary:

Words related to NITE

night9 nites5

Words that contain NITE

niter5 nites5 unite5 dunite7 finite9 gunite7 ignite7 lenite6 munite8 nanite6 niters6 nitery9 pinite8 tonite6 united7 uniter6 unites6 venite9 aconite9 alunite7 arenite7 axinite14 bainite9 bornite9 crinite9 cyanite12 dunites8 dunnite8 ebonite9 erinite7 finites10 gahnite11 granite8 gunites8 ichnite12 ignited9 igniter8 ignites8 kainite11 kernite11 kyanite14 lenited8 lenites7 lignite8 mannite9 munited10 munites9 nanites7 niterie7 pinites9 pycnite14 reunite7 sienite7 syenite10 taenite7 tonites7 uniters7 uranite7 venites10 zoonite16 aconites10 allanite8 alunites8 ammonite12 aphanite13 arenites8 arsenite8 arsonite8 autunite8 axinites15 bainites10 basanite10 bornites10 braunite10 ciminite12 crinites10 cyanites13 definite12 disunite9 dunnites9 ebonites10 elvanite11 erinites8 erionite8 essonite8 euxenite15 fainites11 finitely14 gahnites12 galenite9 granites9 ichnites13 igniters9 ilmenite10 infinite11 kainites12 kalinite12 kernites12 kyanites15 lignites9 limonite10 mannites10 masonite10 meionite10 melanite10 melinite10 mylonite13 niteries8 penitent10 prehnite13 preunite10 pycnites15 queenite17 reignite9 renitent8 retinite8 reunited9 reuniter8 reunites8 sagenite9 saponite10 saxonite15 selenite8 sienites8 stannite8 sternite8 stibnite10 syenites11 taconite10 taenites8 titanite8 unitedly12 ununited9 uranites8 urbanite10 xylonite18 zoonites17 zylonite20 allanites9 amazonite20 ammonites13 aphanites14 aragonite10 arsenites9 arsonites9 austenite9 autunites9 basanites11 belemnite13 bentonite11 braunites11 bytownite17 ceylanite14 ceylonite14 ciminites13 coffinite17 cyclonite16 dawsonite13 definites13 disunited11 disuniter10 disunites10 elvanites12 encrinite11 erionites9 essonites9 euxenites16 galenites10 gehlenite13 gelignite11 germanite12 gilsonite10 gmelinite12 hercynite17 hessonite12 hiddenite14 ilmenites11 impsonite13 infinites12 kalinites13 kaolinite13 limonites11 mammonite15 manganite12 masonites11 meionites11 melanites11 melinites11 mizzonite29 monzonite20 morganite12 mylonites14 nonfinite12 olivenite12 penitence13 penitency16 penitents11 penninite11 pigeonite12 polianite11 prehnites14 preunited12 preunites11 queenites18 rabbinite13 reignited11 reignites10 renitence11 renitency14 retinites9 reuniters9 rhodonite13 sagenites10 saponites11 saxonites16 selenites9 stannites9 sternites9 stibnites11 succinite13 sylvanite15 sylvinite15 taconites11 tanzanite18 titanites9 torbanite11 uraninite9 urbanites11 vivianite15 vulcanite14 vulpinite14 wulfenite15 xylonites19 zinkenite22 zylonites21 catlinite11 unignited11 amazonites21 antimonite12 aragonites11 arragonite11 austenites10 belemnites14 bentonites12 bytownites18 ceylanites15 ceylonites15 coffinites18 colemanite14 cryoconite17 cyclonites17 dawsonites14 definitely17 disuniters11 dithionite14 draconites13 encrinites12 exurbanite19 finiteness13 gadolinite12 gehlenites14 gelignites12 germanites13 gilsonites11 glauconite13 gmelinites13 hercynites18 hessonites13 hiddenites15 impenitent14 impsonites14 indefinite14 infinitely16 kaolinites14 kryptonite19 mammonites16 manganites13 melaconite14 mizzonites30 monzonites21 morganites13 olivenites13 palagonite13 paragonite13 penitences14 penitently15 penninites12 phosgenite16 pigeonites13 polianites12 pyroxenite22 rabbinites14 renitences12 rhodonites14 stephanite15 succinites14 sylvanites16 sylvinites16 tanzanites19 teschenite15

How to use NITE in a sentence

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