Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain NITE

niter5 nites5 unite5 dunite7 finite9 gunite7 ignite7 lenite6 munite8 nanite6 niters6 nitery9 pinite8 tonite6 united7 uniter6 unites6 venite9 aconite9 alunite7 arenite7 axinite14 bainite9 bornite9 crinite9 cyanite12 dunites8 dunnite8 ebonite9 erinite7 finites10 gahnite11 granite8 gunites8 ichnite12 ignited9 igniter8 ignites8 kainite11 kernite11 kyanite14 lenited8 lenites7 lignite8 mannite9 munited10 munites9 nanites7 niterie7 pinites9 pycnite14 reunite7 sienite7 syenite10 taenite7 tonites7 uniters7 uranite7 venites10 zoonite16 aconites10 allanite8 alunites8 ammonite12 aphanite13 arenites8 arsenite8 arsonite8 autunite8 axinites15 bainites10 basanite10 bornites10 braunite10 ciminite12 crinites10 cyanites13 definite12 disunite9 dunnites9 ebonites10 elvanite11 erinites8 erionite8 essonite8 euxenite15 fainites11 finitely14 gahnites12 galenite9 granites9 ichnites13 igniters9 ilmenite10 infinite11 kainites12 kalinite12 kernites12 kyanites15 lignites9 limonite10 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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