Mutation is valid Scrabble Word

Is mutation a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mutation valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MUTATION in dictionary:

Words related to MUTATION

mutant8 mutational12 mutationally17 mutations11

Words that contain MUTATION

mutations11 mutational12 commutation17 dismutation14 mutationist13 permutation15 commutations18 dismutations15 mutationally17 mutationists14 permutations16 macromutation19 permutational17 transmutation15 macromutations20 transmutations16 transmutational17

How to use MUTATION in a sentence

Similar words containing MUTA without suffix tion

mutant8 mutase8 mutate8 mutable11 mutably14 mutagen10 mutanda10 mutants9 mutases9 mutated10 mutates9 mutator9 mutagens11 mutandum13 mutating11 mutative13 mutators10 mutatory13 commutate15 immutable15 immutably18 mutagenic14 mutations11 nonmutant11 permutate13 commutable18 commutated17 commutates16 commutator16 mutability17 mutagenise13 mutagenize22 mutational12 nonmutants12 permutable16 permutably19 permutated15 permutates14 antimutagen14 commutating18 commutation17 commutative20 commutators17 dismutation14 mutableness15 mutageneses14 mutagenesis14 mutagenised15 mutagenises14 mutagenized24 mutagenizes23 mutationist13 permutating16 permutation15 antimutagens15 commutations18 dismutations15 hypermutable24 immutability21 incommutable20 incommutably23 mutabilities16 mutagenicity20 mutagenising16 mutagenizing25 mutationally17 mutationists14 permutations16 transmutable16 transmutably19 commutability24 commutatively25 commutativity25 immutableness19 macromutation19 mutablenesses17 mutagenically21 permutability22 permutational17 transmutation15 transmutative18 commutableness22 immutabilities20 intransmutable18 macromutations20 mutagenicities19 noncommutative23 permutableness20 transmutations16 untransmutable18 commutabilities23 commutativities24 hypermutability30 immutablenesses21 incommutability26 permutabilities21 transmutability22 transmutational17 hypermutabiliti27 noncommutativit24 noncommutativity28 hypermutabilities29 phosphoglucomutase33 noncommutativities27 phosphoglucomutases34
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